I used to stay up late studying every night so I always overslept the next morning.
You must stay at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting day and night for seven days and do what the Lord requires, so you will not die; for that is what I have been commanded.
By the time I got to Manhattan, it was after midnight, so I decided to stay up all night to catch an early-morning flight.
There are plenty of ways to stay cool at night so you can sleep comfortably despite the heat.
It's alleged that Jobs asked engineers on the original iPod team to stay up all night fiddling with the headphone jack so that it made a more satisfying clicking sound.
What could possibly be so important that you want to stay up? I mean we already wasted the opportunity of your parents being away for the night.
Today, the young generation likes to stay up, because after a day's working, they will find fun at night, so they are getting home very late and then wake up late, too.
What could possibly be so important thatyou want to stay up? I mean we already wasted the opportunity of your parentsbeing away for the night.
There is no doubt that the hottest topic is the World Cup now, the men are so excited about the big game, they stay up all the night just in case of missing very single excellent moment.
At night the cold so I do not stay, I say goodbye to the yard on MSI, into the cold bed.
The mountains are too large for a day's visit, so we will stay here for one night.
Hunaglong Theater the next object is Dang village in Han city after leaving Yan 'an, there is no direct car because it is too late, so I have to stay at Hunaglong Theater that night.
Scare compelled me to stay awake. Night was so long with the sun's laggardly pace.
Can only think of him when the pain, the tears that night to stay in exile of its own in order to do so in the end what is it?
The ultimate6 irony comes when we rent a television set so that we can stay in at night and watch exactly the same programs that our despised country Cousins watch.
The ultimate6 irony comes when we rent a television set so that we can stay in at night and watch exactly the same programs that our despised country Cousins watch.