Shabby clothes don't necessarily prove that you are free from corruption.
You can see it in the drawn faces of the men, in their shabby clothes, in their eyes.
You can see it in the drawn faces of the men, in their shabby clothes, in their eyes.
At the time, people are still dressed in shabby clothes, stomach is still empty, such as wild.
Many years ago, people lived in low and small houses, they wore shabby clothes and ate simple food.
But only a small boy in shabby clothes was still not discouraged but kept looking for it in the grain.
From these places emerged the "beatniks", typically dressed in shabby clothes, sporting a beard and wearing sunglasses at all hours.
The old man with the shabby clothes slowly walked to the front to address the employees, and he invited the girl to come up with him.
However, if she had seen her own dad pushing the heavy dung-cart in the shabby clothes as they were, how would that have made her feel?
The auctioneer was ready to bang the gavel to complete the sale, when an elderly man in shabby clothes came up and tugged on his sleeve.
If you are greeted by a man in shabby clothes covered in dirt, definitely allow him to lead you down all sorts of dark alleys and abandoned buildings.
Trees are covered with ice, white steam is breathed out, but they only wear stuffless and shabby clothes, the shoes they wear will not be changed in the winter.
Wearing black sunglasses, dressed in a worn shabby clothes, holding a walking stick, sitting in the street, so small animals thought this is an impoverished old grandma.
Born into a peasant family in Champs-Geraux, a village in western Brittany, he was mocked at school in Rennes for his rural accent and shabby clothes, and left at the age of 15.
And while they were waiting to see who this new owner was, no one noticed but an old man entered the room with an unsteady step and rather poor shabby clothes and stood in the corner.
If you are greeted by a man in shabby clothes covered in dirt, definitely allow him to lead you down all sorts of dark alleys and abandoned buildings. If he has a pet monkey, even better!
When I stepped ashore in London my clothes were ragged and shabby, and I had only a dollar in my pocket.
In Dongguan, older migrants stick out with their sun-beaten faces and shabby work clothes, toting their possessions in fertilizer bags and plastic buckets hung on bamboo poles.
Bob was very poor and his clothes were shabby because he had had them a long time.
You look rather shabby in those clothes.
As he crept toward the tree, whose branches were festooned with damp clothes and one rank, sodden blanket, he kept his eye on the shabby, bramble-thatched cabin that stood a few paces away.
You looked rather shabby in those clothes.
His black hair was overlong and his clothes were so mismatched that it looked deliberate: too-short jeans, a shabby, overlarge coat that might have belonged to a grown man, an odd smock-like shirt.
In the picture, we can see a boy in worn clothes, sitting at a shabby wooden table with a pile of books on it.
You look rather shabby in those clothes.
They're easy to spot: they don't speak local dialect; they do manual labor or simple work; they don't have much education and their clothes are simple or shabby.
They're easy to spot: they don't speak local dialect; they do manual labor or simple work; they don't have much education and their clothes are simple or shabby.