Some financial firms violate major anti-fraud laws because there's no real penalty for being a repeat offender.
In practice, some have failed to make such contributions in the face of budget pressures (New Jersey is a repeat offender).
The researchers argue this attribution of intentionality justifies our initial intuitive judgement that the repeat offender is more blameworthy .
Inmates laugh as a repeat offender shows off years' worth of prison tattoos at the high-security labor camp at Kovrov, 150 miles east of Moscow. (1993)
The only fine to be reduced was that for ThyssenKrupp, by 50%, because the General Court found that the elevator division could not be considered a repeat offender.
The only fine to be reduced was that for ThyssenKrupp, by 50%, because the General Court found that the elevator division could not be considered a repeat offender.