To create a data file to load data into your model, click the New File link again in the Recent Files box and then select Other File (Figure 14).
要创建数据文件以将数据加载到模型中,请再次在Recent Files框中单击NewFile链接,然后选择Other File(图14)。
Find files faster: File Explorer now displays your recent files and frequently visited folders making for finding filesyou've worked on is easier.
These data files sometimes rEVEal information such as recent files that you have opened, recent video clips that you have watched, websites you have visited, and pictures you have viewed online.
In your Web browser's cache are the most recent Web files that you have downloaded.
One recent project provides the perfect illustration of the coexistence of XML and other files.
Copy the recent deployment manager config backup files to the new server.
More recent versions of apt require GPG signed release files in a repository to ensure the integrity of the distribution, so our first step is to create a GPG key.
ReSharper extends the set of navigation and search features with recent Edits, a drop-down list that shows files and symbols that you recently modified.
On some recent Linux machines, files copied with plain old /bin/cp were ending up with incorrect permission bits.
在最近的一些Linux机器上,使用普通的旧 /bin/cp复制的文件都因为权限位不正确而终止使用。
Recent versions of inetd support splitting off separate per-server configuration files, much as xinetd does, so you may find an /etc/inetd.d directory with separate configuration files.
最新的inetd版本支持分割单独的每服务器(per-server )配置文件,这很类似于 xinetd,因此,您可能会发现一个拥有单独的配置文件的 /etc/inetd.d目录。
My most recent article in this column discussed the utility Txt2Html, which converts "Smart ASCII" files (including this article) to HTML.
In a recent article Jeff Braaten explains the process of creating Visual Studio Help Files.
You'll need to delete these files manually if the most recent data is required.
To get the most recent one, scroll to the bottom of the page and click through to the files listed.
In a recent post, I wrote about a system for organizing files on the computer. The same system can be modified to work with physical files.
The recent deal brings Spotify's catalogue to well over 7 million files.
In your Web browser 's cache are the most recent Web files that you have downloaded.
To alleviate the problem, the most recent browsers sniff incoming XML files to categorize them properly.
You will also have problems with the most recent versions of GRUB, which will not be able to load its stage1 and stage1_5 files, although it will have no problems loading the actual kernel.
在使用最新版本的GRUB 时也会碰到问题,即不能装载它的stage1和 stage1_5文件,尽管在装载实际内核的时候没有什么问题。
System Cleanup will protect recent used files.
I have checked our logs but I didn't find any recent log to determine how these files were uploaded.
METHODS Analyse the application of central composite design and response surface methodology in pharmacy experiment design by researching the recent domestic and international documents and files.
The quality management capability of blood transfusion services was improved obviously in recent ten years, which reflected especially by the quality files, management rules and technology equipments.
Recycle Bin, Recent Documents, Temporary files and Log files.
During a recent review of our files, it was noted that there is an open permit for a vacant building registration at the property identified above.
Currently accessible for searching are the recent mollusk files, the invertebrate paleontology files, the rotifer collection and Gary Rosenbergs molluscan species database etc.
Currently accessible for searching are the recent mollusk files, the invertebrate paleontology files, the rotifer collection and Gary Rosenbergs molluscan species database etc.