It just keeps piling up higher and higher.
They divide snow into four main categories, such as snow lying on the ground, snow floating in the sky, snow piling up, and snow piles.
Goods are piling up in the region's main port, Mombasa.
Cocoa stocks are piling up in ports, increasing the chance of the beans decaying.
But even Banks are facing a world in which hard-to-assess data are piling up.
Today, only a fool would try to save for the future by piling up dollar bills.
Brussels has been piling up directives on inter-operability for the past 16 years.
The second point refers to your team and their workload: just where is the work piling up?
In September, the lack of credit left barrels of oil piling up in Oklahoma storage facilities.
But good news, frittata fans: Research supporting the health bennies of eggs is piling up.
Perhaps icy material from the rings fell onto them, piling up near the equator to form the ridges.
In the wake of the financial crisis, companies across the rich world have been piling up cash.
"Birds were coming down from the north and piling up, waiting to push southwards," said Rowden.
“Birds were coming down from the north and piling up, waiting to push southwards, ” said Rowden.
“There are a lot of blue jeans” piling up in the back of the factory with no sign of buyers, he said.
To the horror of avian-minded environmentalists, eagle carcasses began piling up in the Altamont Pass.
让那些偏向鸟类的环保主义者恐惧的是,鹰类的尸体开始在Altamont Pass堆积起来。
The piling up of conditions and reservations, though a mark of subtlety, makes him seem vacillating and weak.
He is 41 and feels the muffin tops a-piling up, so he buys a running machine and gives up drink and puddings.
This really helps reduce the paper clutter from piling up especially if shredder close to where you process the mail.
The end result, of course, is that these overpriced properties just sat there, piling up like unwanted inventory.
When we're at work, we fantasize about being on vacation; on vacation, we worry about the work piling up on our desks.
Soon enough the snow will be piling up and we'll be huddled up inside sipping hot chocolate and longing for summer.
Bank lending should also be constrained during periods when asset prices are booming - when the froth is piling up.
The empirical evidence of this influence has been piling up in recent years, as Dr. Wegner documents in the new paper.
If Asian central Banks stopped piling up reserves to hold down their currencies, this would help stem domestic liquidity.
Ladies, you wouldn't have to constantly nag someone to take care of the dishes piling up in the sink or take out the trash.
And now the evidence is piling up that biofuels may be even worse for the environment than the gasoline they're meant to replace.
My reasoning is that MQIPT does not queue any data to disk so in the event of a channel failure, there is no data piling up in the DMZ.
理由就是MQIPT不会将任何数据排队到磁盘中,因而在出现通道故障时,DMZ 中不会出现数据堆积的现象。
The truth is often in a small number of people, but few people must obey the truth is most people, in most people's hand, parrot is piling up.
The truth is often in a small number of people, but few people must obey the truth is most people, in most people's hand, parrot is piling up.