I used to think Emily was honest and trustworthy, but now I know better.
One day, I told Sam I regretted never traveling abroad to know better about the world before working.
It allows more people to know better the great art of ancient China, as well as the importance of agriculture in history.
"If I didn't know better," she said, "I'd swear you weren't sleeping well."
When you see what a typical day entails, you'll know better if the job is for you.
People who cut may not know better ways to get relief from emotional pain or pressure.
The joy of the necessity defence, however, and the joy of a jury, is that we know better.
They asked me how old I was. I said 31 and he said I was still old enough to know better.
They're like dealers; they sell the stuff, but they know better than to use it themselves.
And by the way, I've learned from talking to so many readers of this site that YOU know better.
You know better than I the great achievements of the Chinese economy over the past two decades.
And then I thought "maybe it's an inconvenience I only think I like because I don't know better."
A bad usage can spread by tradition and imitation even among people who should and do know better.
A largely Protestant nation that can trace its theological taproot to Martin Luther ought to know better.
This isn't a new issue, but these tools significantly lower the bar for novice users who don't know better.
Hopefully nobody chose to eat dinner while watching the show (but you know better than that by now, don't you?)
It's a simple premise, but software developers know better than most that new initiatives also bring new challenges.
Or indeed that professional investors, who ought to know better, are as starstruck as the readers of gossip magazines.
Still, many people who know better get out of control from time to time, and there are emergencies no one can prepare for.
Many people want to be able to know better what the Pope thinks and what the Catholic Church proposes for the problems of today.
He who controls the past controls the future, wrote George Orwell, and as the author of 1984, he would know better than most.
Don't think that makes it okay to pig-out on fast-food fries, or bury your baked potato under butter and sour cream! You know better.
From what we've described here about summer school, anyone who didn't know better might think we've described a setting of boot camp!
Most people now are just curious about it instead of really understanding the theory, but that's okay: as time goes on, they will know better.
Even kids who know better lie sometimes about thi "NGS parents consider very important, says Jennifer Powell-Lunder, a psychologist in Katonah, n."y..
"Her parents are scientists - they know better than to assume Gardasil caused her disease," said Terry Murray, a close friend speaking for the family.
"Her parents are scientists - they know better than to assume Gardasil caused her disease," said Terry Murray, a close friend speaking for the family.