In this exciting event, any visitor can hold out his arms with the local people and cheer together.
The frog told her to hold out her fishing net to the sun's rays and he would sing a magic song.
We must hold out. We mustn't be frightened by the difficulties.
Melo, asked how long she could hold out like this, looked panicked.
We hold out hope that cognitive training of some sort may produce these benefits.
"We'll hold out to see what's in the best interests of Northern Ireland," he said.
“We'll hold out to see what's in the best interests of Northern Ireland,” he said.
Love was the only one who stayed. Love wanted to hold out until the last possible moment.
So we don't hold out much hope that they will respond positively to the latest findings.
We could hold out for the perfect, and that is very dangerous, because that leads to no bill.
Hold out for someone who you love spending time with, and who loves to spend time with you.
Indeed, some may decide to hold out for a higher price when the market improves, says Narayanan.
There is no worse mistake in public leadership than to hold out false hopes soon to be swept away.
When the next occasion occurs, gently remind your child to MAKE EYE CONTACT and HOLD OUT the RIGHT HAND.
Buyers will want to hold out for iPad-compatible programs, noted with a plus symbol in the App Store.
A popular question that I hear often is how long you should hold out for that dream job before moving to plan b.
America and its Allies have failed in Iraq. George Bush is right to hold out against an even bigger failure.
Cisco has thus far been able to resist lowering prices, but it's not clear how long Chambers and Co. can hold out.
We are confident that with concerted efforts of all parties, the SCO will hold out immense prospects of development.
They also hold out the tantalising possibility of fame and fortune should the program ever clobber a human champion.
Hold out to them that the work of becoming high performing can be done with humor, curiosity, and appreciation, too.
But the commission may hold out for a "global", industry-wide settlement on mortgages, given the breadth of alleged misconduct.
When you receive employee ideas that are not appropriate, always explain why and hold out for reconsideration at a later time.
Against that grape-shot, they could not hold out a quarter of an hour longer. It was absolutely necessary to deaden the blows.
The creditors who will be paid only part of what they are owed are the most important in any deal because they can hold out for more.
First of all what type of investors would pay extra for the right to hold out against a Greek debt restructuring in an English court?
First of all what type of investors would pay extra for the right to hold out against a Greek debt restructuring in an English court?