A study by the British heart Association shows that one in four people in England get their information on heart attacks from what they see on the big and small screen [source: the Guardian].
Future superstars don't get there by keeping part of their heart in reserve.
Whether male or female, letting yourself get overwhelmed by emotion can damage not only your mind but also that crucial organ, the heart.
The great 19th century explorer John Muir once said: “Only by going alone in silence, without baggage, can one truly get into the heart of the wilderness.
There is another computer somewhere, and you can really get to know them from their heart, the way they're thinking, before you judge them by their appearance, by their looks.
A couple of times, Jenks has told heart-attack victims that they needed to be evacuated by helicopter, only to have the patients decline because they believed they could get there cheaper.
You want to get your sweetheart a gift that says, "you're Special," but ideally, not those actual words spelled out in heart-shaped letters on a Mylar balloon held by a teddy bear.
Local legend had it that there had been a curse put on this poor girl by a witch who failed to get Angela's father's heart.
He slipped out of the castle and went off by himself, trying to get her heart.
Get the whole process of soil, not only his heart is always hanging, but also by the site several guards pressed driven.
I would tell them that they need a clean heart and we get a clean heart by praying.
It is also easy to get "spotted" by the world and become so busy that we neglect those who are closest to God's heart.
But because the heart, the blood vessel of brain expand the blood vessel function by the partial organization metabolite to get the advantage.
You cannot get an immediate answer by a mere "hello", let alone go deep into your lover's heart by one call.
You can often get to the heart of someone's unhappy marriage by letting him or her talk about it.
By Changchun middle school elite middle distance runner increment load test, we get the maximum oxygen uptake and anaerobic threshold and the corresponding speed, heart rate.
Actors have to learn their lines by heart; they mustn't get a single word wrong.
Heart rate Monitor: Best ones are by Polar. You can get fancy ones, with GPS built in, or just a simple one that tells you your heart rate.
Therefore, commercials are repeated over and over again on radio and television. We soon get to know them by heart.
Get not your friends by bare compliments, but by giving them sensible tokens of your love. It is well worthwhile to learn how to win the heart of a man the right way.
Get to the facts by questioning effectively, make sure to get to the heart of the customers problem, so you can be able to handle it.
You can not get an immediate answer by a mere "hello", let alone go deep into your lover's heart by one call.
Acute stress, caused by a single event (or your fear of it), makes your heart beat faster and your blood pressure go up. You breathe harder, your hands get sweaty, and your skin feels cool and clammy.
If a similar approach worked for humans, it could help prevent heart attacks and strokes and give people a chance to get healthier by losing weight and lowering cholesterol.
The great 19th century explorer John Muir once said: "Only by going alone in silence, without baggage, can one truly get into the heart of the wilderness."
The great 19th century explorer John Muir once said: "Only by going alone in silence, without baggage, can one truly get into the heart of the wilderness."