Do these plans fit in with your arrangements?
Second, the idea of an Earth that moved didn't fit in with the ancient Greeks' understanding of gravity.
Keep up with trends, even think about how your work might fit in with them, but don't mindlessly follow them.
In the past, I pretended I liked it just to fit in with everyone else.
If you have other daily routines, such as exercising or talking on the phone with family, work those into your day-to-day life before classes start so that you get a better idea of how they fit in with your schedule.
They try to fit in with the rest of the world even though it's at odds with their beliefs and their identities.
Feeling bored may signal the desire for a greater sense of community and the feeling that you fit in with others around you.
I didn't fit in with most kids in school.
I imagined that Bob would fit in with the Lomans.
In the workplace, employers are looking for employees who fit in with the culture.
And how do you fit in with the other it service providers that work for our company?
Dodgy work will out eventually, as it is found not to fit in with other, more reliable discoveries.
How does it fit in with all of the other Web services and SOA concepts that have been passed around?
Commentators find themselves pondering how coalition policies fit in with the Big Society vision.
To me, saying “I’m unemployed” sounds a little bit like you don’t feel like you fit in with the world.
M: Well, as you know I was never very good at sports, and I never knew how to fit in with the cool kids.
You feel a strong pulling to fit in with your peers and find yourself sluffing school and generally not caring.
A major reason for the second interview is so the employer can see how well you fit in with the company culture.
The pull we all feel to please the experimenter, to fit in with the situation, to do what is expected of us.
Some even have a free bar - this doesn't fit in with the philosophy of the Freeconomy community, however, so go easy on it.
有的甚至提供免费的吧台——虽然这不符合Freeconomy community的哲学。但是,去溜达溜达是件很轻松的事情。
Instead, the rejected creation pleads to be accepted, and cared for, by its creator and tries hard to fit in with society.
Children can still arrive from 8am if the new regime does not fit in with parents’ schedules, although lessons do not start until 10am.
Low - there's nothing glitzy about donning a greasy spoon pinny, and she adopts a cockney accent to fit in with the East End setting.
Dodgy work will out eventually, as it is found not to fit in with other, more reliable discoveries. But that all takes time and money.
In my teens I tried to fit in with my straight friends and convince myself that I fancied boys. I even had a couple of short relationships.
The fonts on the buttons can also be changed to fit in with the rest of the site or if the color doesn't show up clearly on the new button image.
In this article, gain an understanding of the inner workings of the driver and see how it can fit in with your overall application development plan.
Glamour rating? Low - there's nothing glitzy about donning a greasy spoon pinny, and she adopts a cockney accent to fit in with the East End setting.
Glamour rating? Low - there's nothing glitzy about donning a greasy spoon pinny, and she adopts a cockney accent to fit in with the East End setting.