For the given unclassified model, feature selection requires us to select the most excellent feature subset and it can represent the model which is classified.
It's an excellent feature that's only available in DB2 9.7 and is one that should be activated if parameterized queries are not available for a given development framework.
这个出色特性只在DB 2 9.7中可用;如果某个特定开发框架不能使用参数化查询,则应该激活这个特性。
It's a little pricey for home users, but it's an excellent feature for people who want to run a lot of services without worrying about security or other interactions between them.
Owing to some excellent feature of CPS, such as the high interrupting capacity, preferable arc extinguishing effect and high integration, it takes very important roles in Ex electrical appliance.
At present, plastic building materials have become the second pillar industry in China 's plastic field for its excellent feature of energy saving, growing at an annual average rate of above 15 %.
The Synonyms feature is also an excellent way to strengthen your customized search engine even more by adding similar words that have the same meaning.
One of the best things about using iOS devices is their excellent battery life, and that’s a feature Apple prioritizes.
This feature reduces the conceptual weight of Roo and makes it an excellent learning tool.
AspectJ rises to the occasion as an excellent architectural mechanism that can weave functionality like logging into an already compiled feature like the cache and service under development here.
Although the digg feature is amazing, an excellent example of technology that makes our lives easier, it is also in danger of trivializing them.
Fact (or history) tables in data warehouses make excellent candidates for use with each partitioning feature, as you see in table 4 below.
They feature excellent websites with example code, references, getting started guides, and-if you prefer the feel of paper-each has books covering these impressive libraries.
If you've been working with PHP, you know it's an excellent tool for creating feature-rich Web pages. As a general scripting language, PHP.
This combination of characteristics makes logging an excellent candidate feature to be structured as an aspect.
这些特点结合在一起使得日志记录成为构建aspect 的很好候选对象。
The lobe feature offers excellent performance in washdown applications.
Check out Mark Pilgrim's excellent rundown on how to add offline support to your apps if you want to start using this feature.
如果你对HTML5的离线存储功能感兴趣,可以看一看MarkPilgrim的howtoadd offlinesupport toyourapps一文。
Jimmy: Yeah. Other than that, the real feature are the excellent drinks. Can I have your ticket?
InfoQ's 3rd QCon London (March 11-13) is a couple of months away and will again feature 15 tracks, 100 speakers, and excellent learning and networking opportunities.
离infoq的第三次伦敦会议QCon London(3月11 -13日)还剩2个月的时间,这次的会议包括15个专题和100多位讲师,给你提供绝佳的学习机会和网络机遇。
Conclusion Knowing the feature of ureteral anatomy and pathophysiology, operator's excellent skill and operative experience are keys to successful access of rigid ureteroscope.
The Miao nationality in Guizhou enjoys distinct artistic style and feature, so it becomes an essential research topic to excavate, protect and promote the excellent cultural art of Miao nationality.
A handwritten Chinese character classifying algorithm is designed based on the character feature matrix with the excellent classifying effect.
Moreover, the excellent signal-transmitting feature of CPS-SPWM is also employed.
The effectiveness of the "accelerated action" is controversial because there are excellent pianos without this feature.
Nowadays SWATH ship becomes an important ship type of high performance due to it's excellent seakeeping feature.
The bottom line: Despite its finicky controls, the Plantronics Discovery 975 is a stylish headset with a comfortable fit, a great feature set, and excellent call quality.
MT-38P MICA TAPE feature excellent flexibility, high tensile strength and good length (1000 m). So, make it very suitable for high speed taping in the cable manufacturing.
Besides excellent flameproof feature, Monolithic cesiumic potassium flameproof glass is 6-12 times stronger than float glass and 1.5-3 tunes stribger than tempered glass with the same thickness.
Facilities should be "small but excellent", its feature set should be more emphasis on service life.
MT-38P MI ca TAPE feature excellent flexibility, high tensile strength and good length (1000 m). So, make it very suitable for high speed taping in the cable manufacturing.
MT-38P MI ca TAPE feature excellent flexibility, high tensile strength and good length (1000 m). So, make it very suitable for high speed taping in the cable manufacturing.