She had to contend with day care for her 2-year-old twins being cancelled.
Lower-income jobs like gardening or day care don't appeal to robots.
Finland provides three years of maternity leave and subsidized day care to parents, and preschool for all five-year-olds.
The most common topics they discussed included kids' sleep, nutrition, discipline, behavior problems, day care and preschool.
The most common topics they discussed included kids' sleep, nutrition, discipline, behavior problems and day care and preschool.
Most affluent parents enroll their children in preschool or day care, while low-income parents are more likely to depend on family members.
Mike goes to the gym mid-morning after taking Tess to day care.
I asked about her son; she told me he was at day care, and then asked me about mine.
In 2008 she opened her own doggy day care business, Ciao Bow Wow, in lower Manhattan.
2008年,她在曼哈顿下城开了一间日间照顾中心“CiaoBow Wow”。
"But I felt like I was in a day care center and got tired of being besieged by dogs every day," she said.
Yes, her tribe needed schools, clinics, day care, Head Start programmes, and all these she was busy for them.
The company offered day care services to look in on babies so that their parents could focus on their work.
My son was born with a heart condition, which meant I'd have to quit working as a lawyer or put him in day care.
He eventually gave up the job search, pulled the kids out of expensive day care, and now volunteers at various places.
On weekdays and Saturdays, Tengo could go to school or to day care, but these institutions were closed on Sundays.
You will need to consider the costs of having a baby from health insurance co-payments to day care or a reduction in income.
Even children who did not attend any day care or preschool exceeded recommendations -- 4.4. hours a day of screen-time on average.
It has 400places for employees’ children in day care centers near production sites andplans to double that figure by next year.
There are extensive day care and child care subsidies, which in part counteracts the effects of high taxes on female labor supply.
Other initiatives include more state-supported day care, tuition waivers and other efforts designed to make parenthood more appealing.
She runs a small day care business out of her home in Milpitas, Calif., and recently expanded her services to include after-school care.
It was packed in the lunch bag when my daughters went off to day care and a container of it stood ready in the fridge for quick weeknight reheats.
In addition, WDF set up three day care centers, provided sewing machines, bicycles and water pumps to help people resume agricultural activity.
The plan calls for providing the poor with job training, legal documentation, electricity, literacy, medical treatment, day care, and sanitation.
And the Centers for Disease Control reported this April that this strain of bacteria has now been found in a worker at a day care center in Iowa.
Her daughter used to be in day care or preschool from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., but Mrs. Salinas began dropping her off later and picking her up earlier.
At SAS, for example, employees are told to leave the office at 5 p.m., and they have on-site health care, day care, dry-cleaning and a fitness center.
At SAS, for example, employees are told to leave the office at 5 p.m., and they have on-site health care, day care, dry-cleaning and a fitness center.