That said, it seems like a cop out to say the best way to compete with Facebook’s version of social is not social, but mobile.
Realizing that we will not become an instant expert, we sometimes choose to cop out and not even make an attempt to be or try something new.
Granted, many golf architects will claim strategy can be achieved by moving dirt. Personally, that is somewhat "Disney-esque" and a cop out.
Yet, after coming close to reaching this point, some then cop out by claiming they don 't have any willpower, as if there was a willpower gene that somehow they are lacking.
I am less disturbed by action movies like this, which are frankly about nothing, than by action movies like "Windtalkers," which pretend to be about something and then cop out.
At the end of the clip, you realize that I was acting out his life, and it all starts over again. He was a cop and everything that happened was really him doing the same thing to me.
I'm a fan of almost all of them, but if any film other than "the Social Network" wins, it'll be a cop-out.
This point would have made a worthwhile footnote. As a substitute for an account of what happened, it is a cop-out.
Out, the driver said to the mirror. Now, or I'll drive yis to the cop shop.
Is there a subtle good-cop, bad-cop routine playing out?
Here, Nick starts out as an alpha male, who’s not only a cop, but as played by Giuntoli, is one of those generically handsome guys who TV execs don’t seem to realize are numbingly bland.
Saying "but its REST" and claiming that everything will be dynamic is a cop-out and it really just means you are lazy.
We also find out that Frank served 30 years as a cop before becoming commissioner.
"Did you know," the cop says, "that at the last traffic roundabout, your wife fell out of the car?"
A second-rate answer would be one that includes a "fake" example similar to the cop-out answers to "What's your biggest weakness?"
Being an inveterate stickler for the rules, I tried to point out to the accommodating cop that what we were doing was against the law.
Any hard decisions have been given to a commission-a cop-out that condemns workers and firms to more crippling uncertainty about how the country's fiscal mess will be tackled.
This paper puts out the method to decide the optimization period of cleaning of water-cooling sets based on the largest average of COP, which was applied in industry practice.
As I pulled out my wallet to show the cop my I. D., I noticed my doctor's card showing that the appointment was tomorrow.
"I just don't have the time" is - all too often - a dodge, a hedge, and a cop-out.
The grounds of 'diminished mental responsibility' is too often used as a cop-out to save vile criminals from their just deserts. I support the Chinese on this one.
EXAMPLE: The boss's speech to his company's workers about the need to reduce expenses was a cop-out because he didn't mention his plan to eliminate half of their jobs.
Heisenberg is out for a drive when he's stopped by a traffic cop. The cop says "Do you know how fast you were going?"
Heisenberg is out for a drive when he's stopped by a traffic cop. The cop says "Do you know how fast you were going?"