The sentence does not construe.
Convenient for collate or in addition construe let other people.
He knows his Latin grammar indifferently, and cannot construe easily.
Knowing me as Van, people reasonably construe my surname as "Van Quine."
Also we construe the high data dimension and entropy of hyperspectral image.
In this paper, we construe the Intelligence Home system's frame and needing technology at first.
Words are therefore interpreted in the way in which a reasonable commercial person would construe them.
Used a number of experiments to test the idea that self-control is affected by how we construe or interpret events.
This paper attempts to construe a complete syntactic and semantic representations of Chinese causative structures.
Special attention will be paid to historiographic questions of how architects construe the terms of their "present."
You may say to yourself, "Well, isn't it always the case that meaning is important and that meaning is hard to construe?"
The way in which people construe the notion of friends on SNSs determines their actions in friend negotiations and rankings.
We analyzed the variation of temperature with time, and construe the effects on parameter of detectors irradiated by laser.
Headings are for reference purposes only and in no way define, limit, construe or describe the scope or extent of such section.
In the criminal justice system, it is a common phenomenon that people follow judicial customs while they construe and invoke laws.
An exhaustive radar target database has to be established, in order to verify or to construe methods for Automatic target Recognition.
This kind of preparation, however, does not guarantee consistency given that assessors may construe the criteria in dissimilar approaches.
As you can construe there are several things that can be exercised, but on that point are events outside of the tangible that must be accosted.
Multilayer interpretations in the construe of a literary work is a complex phenomenon of either "coming close to" or "departing from" the author.
Some people will construe it as arrogance but, in sport, it is not necessarily a bad thing to hear a footballer talk with such ambition and purpose.
JAMES SUROWIECKI: Yeah, this is a very interesting idea that suggests that how people think (construe) a problem has a powerful effect on how they act.
To introduce and construe the differences between our country standard and other countries standards about safety of IT equipments based on IEC standard.
The EPA sent a letter to Star on July 31, notifying the owner that scrapping of the ships might construe a violation of the US Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976.
No one would deny that the modes of communication are changing rapidly, perhaps as rapidly as in Gutenberg's day, but it is misleading to construe that change as unprecedented.
The binary files that constitute the executable code of the application also construe data which must be stored in memory and so consume a fixed proportion of the 2gb of available memory.
When we construe the history of Marx's thought and seek the substantive character of Marx, we must consider the problem how to realize the theory relations between Marx and Feuerbach.
There are major differences between maritime law and other department laws especially civil law, so it is inappropriate to invoke the related theories of civil law to construe maritime law.
Perhaps it is best to construe the agreement guaranteed as primarily concerning a subject's most fundamental or "basic" beliefs (beliefs about one's immediate environment, for example). 8.
Imagery and construal are two synonymous notions in cognitive Grammar, referring to peoples cognitive ability to construe a situation in alternate ways for purposes of thought or expression.
Imagery and construal are two synonymous notions in cognitive Grammar, referring to peoples cognitive ability to construe a situation in alternate ways for purposes of thought or expression.