Based on the building humid climate feature for the hot summer and cold winter region, monthly mean relative humidity is used as the basic quota.
Leung is located in the Loess hilly and gully region, an Qinba Mountain West Qinling Mountains in the north, the continental cold sub-humid climate and a half.
The sample magnetic susceptibility curve as a climate and environment index can show the research area's change and reflect the process of dry and cold to warm and humid.
Beijing'stemperate continental climate produces four clearly contrasted seasons:a short spring, rainy and humid summer, long and cold winter, and avery pleasant autumn.
Special climate and geographical environments, such as high altitude, cold, hot and humid regions, desert sea, and island, exert great effects on war injuries.
They formed in the environments of humid warm and dry cold climate in turns.
The 38 sedimentary cycles record 38 climate vicissitudes between cold-dry and warm-humid.
Based on the general trend of getting arid gradually, the climate in the region experienced several marked cold-warm and dry-humid fluctuations since Late Pleistocene.
Based on the general trend of getting arid gradually, the climate in the region experienced several marked cold-warm and dry-humid fluctuations since Late Pleistocene.