"The results are just a piece of the jigsaw puzzle in terms of climate models. They are part of the ongoing process of climate model evaluation, " He said.
Stephanie Dutkiewicz, a scientist in MIT's Center for Global Change Science, built a climate model that projects changes to the oceans throughout the century.
麻省理工学院全球变化科学中心的科学家StephanieDutkiewicz 建立了一个气候模型,预测了整个世纪的海洋变化。
The typical climate model simulates clouds at 28 kilometers per pixel.
Dynamical climate model is a major tool for climate prediction in the world at present.
The millions of calculations involved in creating such a detailed global climate model require thousands of computer processors.
The results are helpful to improve the parameterization schemes of surface albedo in climate model and satellite remote sensing.
The model is called the Goddard Earth Observing System model, Version 5 (GEOS-5), and it is the highest-resolution global climate model to date.
使用的模型被称为戈达德地球观测系统模型第5版(GEOS -5, Goddard Earth Observing System Model, Version 5),是迄今为止分辨率最高的全球气候模型。
"The results are just a piece of the jigsaw puzzle in terms of climate models. They are part of the ongoing process of climate model evaluation," he said.
Here I am opposing the holy brotherhood of climate model experts and the crowd of deluded citizens who believe the Numbers predicted by the computer models.
These images compare a simulation from a detailed global climate model, top image, with observations from the GOES satellite from the same time, lower image.
They plan to collaborate with aeronautical engineers to develop parameters for the climate model that will allow them to simulate turbines in coastal waters.
Climate model High levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere may have less of an impact on the rate of global warming than feared, a new study suggests.
The complex of climate model has been improved significantly and many valuable results of climate numerical simulation and predictions have been achieved.
A one-dimensional stochastic climate model is set up, and the rela tioa of the global temperature of the most probable state with time and latitude ia derived.
It is a very effective way to use the global or regional climate model coupled with a atmospheric chemistry model for study on ozone variation and its climate effect.
The result shows that the climate model has a considerable capacity for simulating climatic changes. This work has laid the groundwork for the relevant future studies.
The GEOS-5 model normally runs at a resolution of 5 kilometers per pixel, though it can run at 3.5 kilometers, making it the most detailed global climate model in the world.
GEOS -5模型通常使用5公里每像素的分辨率运行,得到世界上最精细的全球气候模型,实际上它还能够使用更精细的3.5公里分辨率。
The other, in press at The Journal of Climate, used a different ocean and climate model to look at how changing wind patterns have influenced past and future sea-level rise.
而另一个发表在《气候志》(TheJournalof Climate)上,根据一种不同的海洋和气候模型来预测风向规律的变化会如何影响过去和未来的海平面上升状况。
After introducing the linear spline function, a local nonlinear dynamical and statistical climate model and its inversion method was designed according to the inversion theory.
Based on a simple HVAC climate model, considered the effect of latitude, distributing of land and water, terrain and discrepancy on town and village, ascertained the parameter.
A regional climate model was coupled to a hydrological model so as to simulate the effects of the heterogeneities in precipitation and infiltration on regional climate modeling.
The effects of ozone in troposphere on climate factors such as radiative forcing, surface temperature air temperature, have been discussed by coupling regional climate model and chemical model.
This means that a flat map of the globe produced by a typical climate model contains 777,000 grid cells (pixels). The five-kilometer GEOS map, like the one shown here, contains 24 million grid cells.
Li Qiaoping, Ding Yihui. 2004. Multi-year simulation of the East Asian monsoon and precipitation in China using a regional climate model and evaluation [J]. Acta Meteor Sinica, 62 (2) : 140-153.
李巧萍,丁一汇。2004。区域气候模式对东亚季风和中国降水的多年模拟与性能检验[J]。气象学报,62 (2):140 - 153。
The scientist developed one model to simulate a full year of the globe's climate.
Over the past year, Unep has pulled together projections from a number of research centres that model climate trends.
By running thousands of processors in parallel supercomputers not only help design weapons systems they also model climate change crack codes and help develop new and life-changing drugs.
By running thousands of processors in parallel supercomputers not only help design weapons systems they also model climate change crack codes and help develop new and life-changing drugs.