People wear slacks, sweaters, flat shoes, and all manner of casual attire for travel.
Even in her casual attire, she is imperious.
Mr. Keating serves as the CD manufacturing whiz on what amounts to Microsoft’s version of the A-Team, clad in business-casual attire.
As you walk through your new workplace, note whether your co-workers are dressed in jeans and flip-flops or business-casual attire.
One important point to remember, when dressing in either business or business casual attire is that quality is much more important than quantity.
For women, wear skirts or tailored pants with blouses, blazers, and accessories that mean business yet convey a more casual look than your standard business attire.
Standard business attire is more polished and professional-looking than casual dress.
A decade after the dot-com boom pushed casual workplace attire into vogue, the conservative legal field is still slow to embrace the trend.
Casual clothes have been common daytime attire for older Shanghaiers, though the custom is fading in favor of Western suits.
In general, the following is appropriate attire for interviewing and for dressing in business casual.
Some events and venues may advise other casual wear, such as golf, tennis, horse racing, resorts, etc. Organizers will be specific about attire requirements.
After you have accepted the job offer, you may be working in an environment where business casual or just plain casual is appropriate workplace attire.
And some researchers report that patients have less confidence in a doctor whose attire is casual.
Although work attire now tends more toward casual than a three-piece business suit, it's still incredibly unprofessional to show up in clothing that's clearly not suitable for the office.
Although work attire now tends more toward casual than a three-piece business suit, it's still incredibly unprofessional to show up in clothing that's clearly not suitable for the office.