Osteoporosis is a bone-wasting disease that makes your bones brittle and more prone to breaks.
He has a throttlehold on Ukraine, a grip this week's brittle agreement in Minsk has not eased.
And lower estrogen levels can lead to osteoporosis, a disease in which your bones become brittle and more likely to break.
Iridium (Ir): If iridium sounds familiar, that might be because there’s a group of communications satellites named after this element, a hard, brittle and dense metal.
Her authority in this new group was brittle and, like the fear of a bugbear by all of the young bees, all of the worker bees were watching to see if she would lead well.
In this way, start to build the foundation for a graceful transition from a tightly coupled brittle architecture to a more loosely-coupled, dynamically reconfigurable architecture.
You've already known that ice is brittle, and if you hit it with a hammer, it will shatter like glass.
The inventor Henry Bessemer discovered that directing a blast of air at melted iron in a furnace would burn out the impurities that made the iron brittle.
A brittle SOA can directly or indirectly affect peer services and subsystems, as Shared resources are locked, consumed, or exhausted.
Crowley, somewhere west of Amersham, hurtled through the night, snatched a tape at random and tried to wrestle it out of its brittle plastic box while staying on the road.
That continuity of moisture is what brittle landscapes like deserts need to become fertile again. Water activates a mineralization process, setting free nutrients in the soil so that life can grow.
When compared to the flexibility of a logical system, physical level object-oriented systems appear brittle.
Drinking beer especially pale ale strengthens your bones and could stop them becoming brittle, a study suggests.
But a new look at Titan's insides reveals even more oddities: Beneath the brittle crust of ice lies a layer of slush. Deeper still is an underground ocean over a solid core of rock and ice.
To make a transducer by painstakingly micro-machining a brittle block of ceramic material can take many hours of work, though.
Programmatically mapping the generated SOAPElement to the XSD: group data type is a brittle solution and goes against the practice of minimizing direct modification of generated code.
This is a brittle solution and difficulties arise when the endpoint must be changed, either because a sender decides to change his service subscription level or the provider moves the Web service.
这是一个非常脆弱的解决方案,一旦端点必须更改,问题就出现了,原因要么是发送者决定修改它的服务预定级别,要么是服务提供者移动它的Web 服务。
Oops.) Besides, using cookies or hidden form fields is messy, error-prone, and brittle (and a cookie-based approach won't work at all if the user has disabled the use of cookies in the browser).
噢)此外,使用cookie或者隐藏表单字段很混乱,容易出错,并且脆弱(如果用户禁止在浏览器中使用 cookie,那么基于cookie的方法就完全不能工作)。
These tests often become a real maintenance burden, as they are slow and brittle, and often hard to refactor.
A third risk area is committing too early to a specific implementation of hardware, software, and firmware, resulting in brittle systems that cannot be easily extended.
A good source of biotin, avocados help to prevent dry skin and brittle hair and nails.
With GEMVC you can do it easily without having to know the full dot path (which is brittle) to a component.
Lying in bed, Nur's paralysis crushes him like a giant thumb, "meaty and human, grotesque with a brittle purple nail", pinning him down.
The PHB homopolymer is a stiff and rather brittle polymer of high crystallinity, whose mechanical properties are not unlike those of polystyrene, though it is less brittle.
Two glasses a day of tomato juice containing 15mg of lycopene could be enough to strengthen brittle bones, the journal Osteoporosis International reported.
But that's a clunky and brittle solution, prone to hard-to-find errors if the order of components were to change within the line list, but the variables weren't updated appropriately.
The result is unresponsive development practices based on a Big Design Up-Front (BDUF) mentality, and brittle software that people can't use.
结果是基于BigDesign Up-front (BDUF)思想的反映迟钝的开发方法,软件不堪一击,人们无法使用它们。
Brittle Bones Everyone knows the lungs take a beating from smoking, but.
Brittle Bones Everyone knows the lungs take a beating from smoking, but.