I used it as a test at the beginning of a term to find out something about my students.
At the beginning of a speech, it is very important to grab the audience's attention and make them interested in what you have to say.
At the beginning of a meal, take slightly less than what you think you'll eat.
Agile design doesn't try to ignore design at the beginning of a project or phase.
Position your cursor at the beginning of a line with text, and then press Ctrl+4.
将光标置于文本行的行首,然后按 Ctrl+4。
At the beginning of A Journey, Tony Blair brags that he has "the soul of a rebel".
The best time to create a stakeholder goals document is at the beginning of a release.
You are only at the beginning of a very long week. It just gets colder. It just gets harder.
At the beginning of a project, requirements are usually (and appropriately) in a state of flux.
Similarly, try not to talk too much about yourself or your company at the beginning of a speech.
We meet at the beginning of a typical working day - 27 clients, 10 hours, seven consulting rooms.
Tip: Named anchors are often used to create "table of contents" at the beginning of a large document.
If the subject is marked as a subject with an ending, it need not come at the beginning of a sentence.
Here's a list of the questions more commonly asked at the beginning of a development process (sound familiar?)
A young bullfighter has been arrested after running out of a Mexico City bull ring at the beginning of a fight.
So, that's one thing that maybe we didn't emphasize enough when we did matrices at the beginning of a semester.
To provide the function needed to copy over form data at the beginning of a claim creation co-browsing session.
The architecture decisions made at the beginning of a project also affect the ability of a site to handle loads.
Discipline starts with the team lead by making sure rules and standards are defined at the beginning of a project.
These handles' lifetime is determined by a handle scope, which is often created at the beginning of a function call.
At the beginning of a marathon training program, many participants can't imagine themselves running more than 5 miles.
Allocate enough memory at the beginning of a batch application to avoid time-consuming reallocation during the process.
A shirt that weighed 200 grams at the beginning of a match can weigh up to two-and-a-half times as much just 45 minutes later.
Position your cursor at the beginning of a line with text, and then press Esc, which will place the cursor in the command line.
If the asterisk appears at the beginning of a query word, we want to consider that to mean that the word needs to end in the specified query.
More process typically reduces creativity, so you should use less process at the beginning of a project, when uncertainty is an everyday factor.
What I hate more than anything — and I know you do too — is the feeling I get when I realize I am at the beginning of a wasted hour ahead of me.
Granted, it may not be possible for many project managers to eliminate 64 percent of the required features a customer lists at the beginning of a project.
First of all, one problem has always been that models are often developed at the beginning of a project and then become irrelevant as the project progresses.
However obvious and sensible the setting of project success criteria at the beginning of a project may seem, regretfully, it is not currently a common practice.