When I was growing up, like many of you, the Cold War was at its height.
At its height that empire stretched from Timbuktu to Bamako, and even as far as to the Atlantic.
At its height, the Jedi order encompassed hundreds of different species, all strong in the Force.
I remember when MySpace was at its height of popularity it was referred to as a “relationship killer.”
我记得当初MySpace受欢迎程度极高的时候,被称为“关系杀手”。 当时我听见了笑而不语。
At its height, the floodwaters could be seen from space, with the Indus spreading more than 20 miles wide at some parts.
Sensitivity to allergies is at its height now, so hayfever sufferers will have a fit of sneezes on high-pollen nights.
The burst bubble has exposed more than Spain's addiction to construction, which at its height accounted for 13% of jobs.
Sony, which sold 47 million of the 3.5-inch discs a year at its height, is phasing them out in Japan, one of the last markets.
At its height, Koguryo territory stretched all the way from central Manchuria (North-East China) to south of present-day Seoul.
In this paradigmatic phase, lasting until 1980/90, the ideal of public service broadcasting was at its height, notably in Western Europe.
In 2010, for example, California had an outbreak of whooping cough, which at its height put 455 babies in hospital and killed ten of them.
He made the G-Man brand so popular that, at its height, it was harder to become an FBI agent than to be accepted into an Ivy League college.
It was the dressing-room, laid out with all the articles of toilet, in which the dead woman's extravagance seemed to be seen at its height.
Heymsfield calculated that the 2005 storm Hurricane Rita held 100 million elephants' worth of water as it spun through the Gulf of Mexico at its height.
Today, there 103 cell subscriptions for every 100 Americans — a rate far eclipsing the use of landlines, even at its height. With rooftop solar, the U.
Oddly, the cult of collaboration has reached its highest point in the very arena where the value of uninterrupted concentration is at its height: knowledge work.
It was probably the most amazing urban creation of the Inca Empire at its height; its giant walls and terraces seem as if they have been cut naturally in the continuous rock cliffs.
In each of these places, a great array of cultural forces, both local and external, lent a unique, often bittersweet texture to daily life, at least when cosmopolitanism was at its height.
At just 1.4 metres in height, Partner Robot is a wimp—but its talent is versatility, not strength.
Since then, its excavation has provided an extraordinarily detailed insight into the life of a city at the height of the Roman Empire.
Until its deluded purchase of Golden West at the height of the mortgage bubble, Wachovia was an excellent franchise.
This generally means it has an aspect ratio of 2:1 or larger, the image being at least twice as wide as its height.
A few years ago, for instance, at the height of the boom, one LVMH brand was putting diamonds all over its watches, so that it was almost difficult to tell the time.
HB-SIA completed its first test flight in April this year, flying for 87 minutes at a height of 1, 200m.
太阳能飞机HB - SIA今年4月已经完成了首次试飞,当时在1200米的高空持续飞行87分钟。
Prodded by the threat of a hostile break-up bid from Lord Hanson, a corporate raider at the height of his powers, ICI floated off its drugs division, now AstraZeneca.
Prodded by the threat of a hostile break-up bid from Lord Hanson, a corporate raider at the height of his powers, ICI floated off its drugs division, now AstraZeneca.