The OLEX Petroleum Company has recently determined that it could cut its refining costs by closing its Grenville refinery and consolidating all refining at its Tasberg refinery.
After having taught fifth-grade classes for four years, I decided to try at all costs to rid them of their fear and dislike of books.
Each tape lasts three minutes and costs 36 cents per minute off-peak and 48 cents at all other times.
Too many schools adopt the "win at all costs" moral standard and measure their success by sporting achievements.
For such people and many more perhaps not so exceptional, the proper formulation is, "Succeed at all costs but avoid appearing ambitious."
Moreover, our culture and the media convince us that unless we hold on to our youth at all costs, we will face terrible losses.
The early workers in relativistic theory were very much impressed by the symmetry between space and time and wanted to cling to it— to hold onto it at all costs.
For corporate officers it's all about protecting the the company and shareholder value, which includes avoiding the risk of litigation at all costs.
Yet the grid remained and the rules remained: attack, defend, capture, sacrifice. Win at all costs.
The psychological effect of a lead was undoubtedly why teams wanted to avoid falling behind at all costs, and why they generally played it safe by making sure their defence was solid.
It took until 2.4.16-pre1 for the problem to be identified and fixed, resulting in a span of kernels (including 2.4.15) that should be avoided at all costs.
直到2.4.16 - pre1才发现并解决了这个问题,导致人们应该不计任何代价地避免使用这两个发行版之间的内核(包括2.4.15)。
Greg Watson, head of OCR, one of three main exam boards, said the system of league tables and Ofsted inspections piled pressure on teachers to get results at all costs.
Do your job well, and avoid confrontations at all costs.
This is both contagious and deadly and must be avoided at all costs.
Assuming you have done all the other things to cut costs - closed your expensive offices, eliminated bonus and so on - you should put out your star at once.
Unlike music and film, nearly all television is free at the margin: once a household has paid its subscription, it costs nothing to watch another show.
Yet boys are still taught to be tough, not cry, suppress emotions, and be strong at all costs.
The need for guidance in this area has become all the more pressing at a time of global economic downturn and rising health care costs.
Garlic contains chemicals that exacerbates the symptoms of the disease, and causes those with it to avoid it at all costs.
The raid appeared to be the first of its kind, and drew rebukes from civilian and military officials vowing to defend Pakistan's sovereignty at all costs.
Find yourself something that matches the rest of your decor and avoid a loud ticking clock at all costs!
That's not unrelated to the impressive publication counts: When institutional pressures reward publication at all costs, the result is both high quantity and low quality.
Avoid vague descriptions at all costs, be specific, draw diagrams and pictures, and make certain everyone agrees with it.
Victory at all costs; victory in spite of all terrors; victory, however long and hand the road may be, for without victory there is no survival.
Many of today's meritocrats, in contrast, don't believe it's a rigged game in their favour, and commit themselves to winning it at all costs, which means stepping on everyone else.
Better quality, advertising targeted on only four brands and the improvement in used-vehicle values that is coming from no longer chasing volume at all costs should all speed GM's revival.
Wings and ribs: Any menu item that comes with a Wet Nap should be avoided at all costs.
Like all budget carriers, AirAsia wants to pare costs, which is why it refuses to berth its planes at KLIA's expensive glass-and-steel terminal.
Like all budget carriers, AirAsia wants to pare costs, which is why it refuses to berth its planes at KLIA's expensive glass-and-steel terminal.