But Li isn't the only person with a house full of pets - he's still got a long way to go before he beats ha Wenjin, who has adopted over 1, 500 stray dogs and 200 cats over the years.
Method: We adopted different level and wholly type sampling and letter investigation for 242 person who works in 84 medical unit, We analyzed 225 people's data (92. 97% ) .
Oneself won't style of writing, when be born, I send others, took fast a year when be adopted my person remands, the reason is when dying what I take quickly.
Meathod: The experiment adopted density gradient centrifuging to separate PBMC of 44 patients with CHF and 20 normal person and enzyme digestion to separate neonatal rat cardiac myocyte.
Based on their own interest, countries have adopted different rules to determine nationality of legal person, which leading to change of nationality of legal person.
In order to reduce measurement error, investigator conducted it in person, and adopted standardized procedural.
With the structure adopted, the garbage door can be opened through the control device for dumping the garbage when a person dumps garbage.
The third-person narrative is adopted in Jade Snow Wong's first autobiographic novel Fifth Chinese Daughter.
The stragglers were the adopted son, the daughter or the son-in-law, the adopted son, brothers of as well as the person generally of the same clan.
The stragglers were the adopted son, the daughter or the son-in-law, the adopted son, brothers of as well as the person generally of the same clan.