A new medium is more than the technology it depends upon; it is also a practice.
With the popularization of the Internet, networks as a new medium is developing rapidly.
Multi-media artist, Elizabeth Anderson, Anderson Enterprises, discovered concrete as a new medium.
He explained that "Linked data offers a new medium to link structured data that is then more machine-readable."
To bring a new medium density development out of the ground today costs 25% to 30% more than the market will pay.
为了实现一个新的中密度开发出地面今天成本25 %至30 %以上的市场将支付。
The emergence of a new medium, pioneered by technology, will invariably bring subverted effects on human society.
To meet the market demand, a new medium-speed X6170Z diesel engine was designed and developed by Weichai Power CO.
Once the medium-term goal is accomplished, choose a new medium-term goal to get you to your long-term goal (1 year).
Hence, the television, as a new medium, plays a more and more important role in the Olympic Games with special advantages.
The technique of CG not only provides people a new medium to realize and express the world, and also creates a new style of art.
A new medium appears, and people are excited about it that they explore most of its possibilities in the first couple generations.
As a new medium of advertising, the in terne, with its extremely high inter-reaction, has its superiority over the conventional media.
The web is a new medium, although it has emerged from the medium of printing, whose skills, design language and conventions strongly influence it.
That, at least, was the charge levelled against novels during the 18th century by critics worried about the impact of a new medium on young people.
As a new medium of transferring information, the Interact brings about comparatively negative effects as well as civilization and development.
Indeed, the birth of a new medium can't stand the death of the old medium. The new medium is just more advanced and perfect in the skill and function.
Online games as a new medium to bring the audience great entertainment at the same time, it's artistic characteristics and cultural identity has gradually clear.
I admit that it was my first response, and a belief that was a long time in going. But I no longer feel that it is a limitation, I see it as a strength of a new medium.
The new preparation is sustained-release tablet releasing medicaments slowly and inconstantly in a provided release medium.
A new autoagglutination test medium for Yersinia enterocolitica-PC medium was prepared.
A new Communication medium is initially always Entertaining just because finding new ways to connect with people is a buzz.
In 1948, when only one in ten Americans had seen a TV, Time magazine sized up the new medium.
The web is a continuously evolving medium, and I know that new ways to find and consume content will keep evolving.
It's a truism that no new medium kills the one that it eclipses - we still have radio, which pre-dates the Internet, television and movies.
It's a truism that no new medium kills the one that it eclipses - we still have radio, which pre-dates the Internet, television and movies.