You could also add information, like a phone number, a fax number, an E-mail address, or a Web site.
So the person without a fax number does not need to define a fax value, whereas the person with a fax number is free to do so as they please.
If needed do some fake letter head, get a fax number in the same town / phone exchange, and pretty soon you could be the head of the smallest branch office of that corporation.
We used one for our main line, each person in the family got a number, and we used one for fax.
These conventions are used to allow programs to communicate with each other over a known channel in the same way as you would choose a phone or fax number.
A: What's the importance of the date, time and number stamp printed on the top of the fax?
Make sure you include a cover sheet that states the name and fax number of the recipient.
If the Bids are submitted by a special Courier, the special Courier number must be informed in written fax to Tendering Agent at least 4 days before the Bid Opening.
A number of different technologies and approaches to IP fax are currently being developed and deployed.
If the Bids are submitted by a special Courier, the special Courier number must be informed in written fax to CITC at lease 4 days before the Bid Opening.
Any change of the name, address, fax and telex number and postal code given in the preamble of this a GREement shall be immediately communicated to the Commission and the other party.
Send out to fax a 4 dollars, still need to add to accept in addition every minute 8.8 dollars international long distance fees, please have to send out you of the fax number tell me.
Fax number to provide a formal trial on the 5th, a formal application to continue to retain trial number.
Shanghai KENHE Electrical Equipment Engineering Company has moved to a new location, but keep existing phone and fax number .
The company introduces the IT department staff to headquarters: "if we have fax, telephone, fax machine with a few number, if you fax, can be spread to the computer's mailbox."
The company introduces the IT department staff to headquarters: "if we have fax, telephone, fax machine with a few number, if you fax, can be spread to the computer's mailbox."