• 1970年50岁生日时退休

    He retired in 1970, on his fiftieth birthday.


  • 退休出版了回忆录

    In retirement he published his memoirs.


  • 他们俩都退休教师

    I'd put them both down as retired teachers.


  • 伊斯特伍德饰演退休枪手威尔·蒙尼。

    Eastwood plays retired gunfighter Will Munny.


  • 五十多岁时退休

    He retired in his fifties.


  • 退休之际同事们赠给高尔夫球杆

    On his retirement, colleagues presented him with a set of golf clubs.


  • 已经使坦南特夫人相信是退休时候了。

    I've persuaded Mrs. Tennant that it's time she retired.


  • 明年1月份退休

    He retires next January.


  • 该团司令部是个两个退休军官办公的办公室

    The regimental HQ is a tiny office manned by two retired officers.


  • 超过退休年龄人口比例过去年中急剧增长

    The proportion of the population who are over retirement age has grown tremendously in the past few years.


  • 房子工作提供的,所以退休我们搬家

    The house is tied to the job, so we'll have to move when I retire.


  • 预计未来退休者领取到的社会保险金要比许诺

    Future retirees are expected to get smaller Social Security benefits than promised.


  • 这位银发退休坐在四壁挂航船照片的私室里。

    The silver-haired retiree sits in his den surrounded by photos of sailing boats.


  • 2/5人认为企业他们退休去世后私下卖掉

    Two out of five thought the business would be sold privately on their retirement or death.


  • 退休后有个收入来源,而这之前需要额外的

    He wanted to have a source of income after his retirement; until then, he wouldn't require additional money.


  • 坎贝尔公司董事长退休麦戈文提名继任者。

    When the chairman of Campbell's retired, McGovern was named as his successor.


  • 《进入老年考虑到了老年人退休期间经济资助需要

    "Growing Older" considered the needs of the elderly for financial support during retirement.


  • 上千退休人员劝说抵押他们房子投资投机性债券

    Thousands of retirees were persuaded to mortgage their homes to invest in speculative bonds.


  • 戴安娜·维斯罗伊·贾维斯决心退休年龄还继续工作

    Diana and Roy Jarvis are determined to continue working when they reach retirement age.


  • 退休人员调查表明,他们中的大部分生活自立愉快

    A survey of retired people has indicated that most are independent and enjoying life.


  • 雇员们可能面临越来越退休自己负担更多医疗费用压力

    Employees may face increasing pressure to take on more of their own medical costs in retirement.


  • 掌管科罗拉多州立大学10多年后,阿尔伯特·叶慈今天宣布退休

    After more than a decade at the helm of Colorado State University, Albert C Yates today announced his retirement.


  • 自从退休这里,”在快生命尽头写到,“从没出过这些。”

    "Since I retired to this place," he wrote near the end of his life, "I have never been out of these mountains."


  • 为了找到一个解决方案推迟了退休,每周工作7每天工作16小时

    He put his retirement on hold to work 16 hours a day, seven days a week to find a solution.


  • 声明呼吁加大力度招募年轻科学家填补预期未来十年内退休高峰留下空缺

    The manifesto calls for a greater effort to recruit young scientists to fill the gap left by a wave of retirements expected over the next decade.


  • 假如退休计划同时包含了应纳税延迟纳税账户就要考虑一下应该如何分配资金

    If your retirement plan includes both taxable and tax-deferred accounts, it is worth considering which funds should be placed in each.


  • 退休人员的储蓄利息几乎为零

    Retirees are earning near-zero interest on their savings.


  • 西蒙退休什么感觉

    Simon, how does it feel to be retired?


  • 财务需求并非引发“不退休趋势唯一原因

    Financial needs aren't the only culprit for the "unretirement" trend.


  • 几个退休

    She retired a few months ago.


- 来自原声例句

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