We at Philips are committed to delivering "sense and simplicity" in everything we make and do.
We believe common sense and simplicity are usually better guidelines than sophistication and complexity.
In that sense, refactoring insists on some less tangible, but decisive characteristics of software like design, simplicity, improved source code comprehension, readability and alike.
The other Web Service Performance reports available won't really make much sense in this context, given the simplicity of these test examples and given that these tests are based on only one user.
Most importantly, rockstar engineers believe in simplicity and common sense.
Glass, which is a typical Finnish product, seems to sum up the characteristics of the world from which it originates: purity, simplicity, and a sense of nature.
Organic architecture seeks superior sense of use and a finer sense of comfort, expressed in organic simplicity.
Then there was the ink on paper: the Numbers and business model made a whole lot of sense and there were not a lot of moving parts — and simplicity is beautiful.
Simplicity usually breeds reliability and viewed in this light electric buses may begin to make sense in operational, financial and engineering terms.
Simplicity usually breeds reliability and viewed in this light electric buses may begin to make sense in operational, financial and engineering terms.