• 他们寒冷又下雨的外面进来。

    They had come in from the cold and the wet.


  • 在一个下着早晨手机吵醒了。

    One rainy morning, my phone woke me up.


  • 那些云彩前兆。

    Those clouds mean rain.


  • 形式落下

    It falls as rain.


  • 富士康承担了田雨的医疗费用。

    Foxconn is paying for her medical care.


  • 银色水珠在头上跳跃。

    Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops.


  • 那个啊,“幼熊,”我们妈妈用来

    "That," they said, "is where our mother keeps the rain."


  • 想起放进箩筐,想起舅舅雨的

    I also thought of her heart in the basket and my uncle's raining-like sweats.


  • 一个阴冷下着选举日我们一起外出投票

    On a cold and rainy Election Day we head out together to vote.


  • 现在我们读者可以很容易地想到,同样的道理,形成也跟雨的形成基本相似

    Our readers may now imagine, without difficulty, how in a similar way, snow is formed.


  • 可恶我们海滩非得下起来。

    Of course, it had to start raining as soon as we got to the beach.


  • 果然不出所料,婚礼那天下起了

    Inevitably, it rained on the day of the wedding.


  • 注视着往玻璃溅落

    He stared at the rain spattering on the glass.


  • 了,山上天空可见星星

    The rain had stopped and a star or two was visible over the mountains.


  • 今天下午连着下了两个小时

    It rained for two hours solid this afternoon.


  • 老是阴沉沉的,下着

    It's always dull and raining.


  • 路上尽是明晃晃的水坑已经停了

    The road was shiny with puddles, but the rain was at an end.


  • 典型英国天气

    Typical English weather—one minute it's raining and the next minute the sun is shining.


  • 是在日出开始下的。

    The rain began before sunrise.


  • 当时起来红旗被升起,发出停止信号

    Then the rain came and the red flag went up to signal a halt.


  • 天下起我们立即钻进一家最近咖啡馆

    It started to rain so we dived into the nearest cafe.


  • 这些建筑物因人为肆意破坏日晒而破败不堪。

    Buildings are left to decay at the mercy of vandals and the weather.


  • 这样出去会成落汤鸡的。

    You'll get soaked if you go out in this rain.


  • 救济金低收入家庭及时

    This new benefit has come as a godsend for low-income families.


  • 天气寒冷下着,最糟的是我们走着回家

    It was cold and raining, and, to crown it all, we had to walk home.


  • 挡风玻璃上的刮来回刮着,发出咔嚓声。

    The windshield wipers clacked back and forth.


  • 昨晚下了所以花园里浓稠泥浆

    It had rained last night, so the garden was thick mud.


  • 我们把被淋透的外衣门厅里

    We hung up our rain-sodden coats in the porch.


  • 今天很大

    Today's rain is heavy.


  • 今天很大

    Today's rain is heavy.


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