• 他们今晚比赛中面临恶战

    They face a torrid time in tonight's game.


  • 帕顿比赛第2次持球触地得分

    Patten scored his second touchdown of the game.


  • 苏格兰在与英格兰人的比赛中获胜。

    The Scots won their match against England.


  • 第一次比赛连进三

    I scored a hat-trick in my first game.


  • 他们去年比赛获得了第三名。

    Their horse came third in the race last year.


  • 比赛几乎一点没有出。

    In the last two games he has hardly put a foot wrong.


  • 比赛下神

    I had a little lapse of concentration in the middle of the race.


  • 昨天比赛中瑞士2比1击败美国

    In yesterday's game, Switzerland beat the United States two to one.


  • 比赛次人。

    Two substitutions were made during the game.


  • 我们决定比赛我们积极拼抢,大胆进攻。

    We decided that in the game we would be physical and aggressive.


  • 比赛首先到达跑垒员约翰•弗莱蒂。

    The first runner to reach second base in the game was John Flaherty.


  • 这次比赛中获胜未来事业发展的良好开端

    Winning the competition was the opening she needed for her career.


  • 认为今天比赛中没有充分发挥出自己实力

    I don't think he did himself justice in the game today.


  • 他们两点钟比赛中轻而易举地获得了胜利。

    Their horse romped home in the 2 o'clock race.


  • 比赛一个机会传球的确漂亮射门很糟

    It was the one opportunity in the gamethe pass was a real beauty, but the shot was poor.


  • 查尔斯那里比赛中领先。

    Charles was ahead of the game there, too.


  • 比赛鲍勃父亲搭档得很好

    Bob partnered his father well at the tournament.


  • 一些比赛中那种情况可能会发生

    In some races, that may happen.


  • 一次朗读比赛中女儿得胜

    In a reading contest, his daughter carried away the bell.


  • 杰克比赛得到第九名。

    Jack got the ninth in the game.


  • 他们在划船比赛中获胜了。

    They won the boating race.


  • 在画画比赛中获胜了。

    He won a drawing competition.


  • 奥运会比赛中自己要求不是严格。

    She is not so strict with herself in the Olympic competition.


  • 比赛轻取冠军。

    He carried off champion easily in the competition.


  • 阿森纳队上半场比赛占据上风

    Arsenal dominated the first half of the match.


  • 第一比赛击出75杆。

    She shot a 75 in the first round.


  • 马拉松比赛获得第二名

    She came second in the marathon.


  • 在200比赛取得了第二名

    She came second in the 200 metres.


  • 比赛第二次接发球得分

    It was her second break in the set.


  • 总共15比赛他们胜了2场。

    Out of a total of 15 games, they only won 2.


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