• 黑色墙壁白天吸收大量

    Black walls absorb a lot of heat during the day.


  • 这个地区大量闲置房地产

    There are a lot of empty properties in the area.


  • 大量文本通过电脑查阅

    There is a large collection of texts available for consultation on-screen.


  • 他们竞选活动征得大量支持

    They have rallied a great deal of support for their campaign.


  • 这个图书馆大量生物学藏书。

    The library has a large biology section.


  • 现在已有大量民众投诉

    There have been many complaints from members of the public.


  • 黑市大量武器供应

    There is a plentiful supply of arms on the black market.


  • 现代计算机迅速处理大量信息资料

    Modern computers can organize large amounts of data very quickly.


  • 进行大量举重训练

    He does a lot of weight training.


  • 散热器释放大量

    The radiator gives out a lot of heat.


  • 帮歹徒最终大量现金珠宝逃走了

    The gang finally fled with a large amount of cash and jewellery.


  • 他们大量

    They spent a great deal of money.


  • 大量公共资金用于道路建设

    A large amount of public funds is spent on roads.


  • 鱼肉含有大量蛋白质

    Fish contains a lot of protein.


  • 游戏大量奖品

    There are large numbers of prizes in the game.


  • 他们需要大量员工

    They need a large staff.


  • 大量土地

    It has a large amount of land.


  • 诗歌含有大量政治内容

    Her poetry has a good deal of political content.


  • 不断向他们散播大量流言飞语。

    She kept them plentifully supplied with gossip.


  • 大量工作投入这项工程。

    A tremendous amount of work has gone into the project.


  • 运动已有大量派系斗争了。

    There has been a substantial amount of factionalism within the movement.


  • 失败原因进行了大量讨论

    There was much discussion about the reasons for the failure.


  • 爸爸办公室里大量废纸

    There's always tons of scrap paper in Dad's office.


  • 大量的论据支持自己理论

    She supports her theory with copious evidence.


  • 战后进行大量重建工作

    A lot of rebuilding took place in the aftermath of the war.


  • 开始认真筛选大量证据

    I began sifting through the mass of evidence.


  • 多数企业都面临大量竞争

    Most businesses face plenty of competition.


  • 这个地区栖息着大量鸟。

    The area has a wealth of bird life.


  • 会谈之前大量宣传

    Much advance publicity was given to the talks.


  • 指称组织大量男性成员吸毒

    She alleged that there was rampant drug use among the male members of the group.


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