Re-read your paper in order to find our grammar, spelling mistakes or typos.
For example, it's common to run into file-access problems or typos in the VXML file path.
If instead errors are displayed, you likely have a syntax error and need to review your document carefully for typos or missing tags and punctuation.
And before sending out your bio or resume, have at least two people you trust review it to be sure there are no errors, outdated information, or typos.
It is now listed in the classifieds, with no typos or misprints.
There may be typos, spelling errors or even things you thought about writing but forgot too add.
Innocently, I assumed I must have miswritten a character or two, and marveled that technology could detect typos so easily.
You don't have to remember a particular file name, or risk typos in directory or file paths.
Common faults picked up by these pragmas are ambiguous references and de-references, use of undefined values, and some help identifying typos for unused or undefined functions.
One is correcting typos. If you type “nytimes.cmo” or “wikipedia.og,” for example, OpenDNS quietly and instantly corrects the typo and sends you where you wanted to go.
In fact, 84 percent of executives said it takes just one or two typos on a resume to disqualify a candidate from consideration, according to a survey by Robert Half International.
实际上,根据国际罗伯·海夫公司的调查显示,84%的执行主管都声称简历上1 ~2处的小拼写错误都会让一位求职者失去资格。
Please only reply to this guide to bring attention to errors, typos, or to request additions to the information.
These holiday snaps show some of the hilarious typos, images or hotel names that tourists have encountered on signs around the world.
He's seen plenty of CVs with spelling mistakes, typos, missing information, or hard-to-follow formats.
Think about small mistakes such as typos in configuration lines, missing a loopback prefix in your routing protocol, or missing a small requirement in an exam item.
Carefully you can see that the street name will emerge from time to time one or two typos or traditional Chinese characters, but no one pointed out the error.
And especially watch out for making small mistakes like typos or missing a copy-and-paste step.
And especially watch out for making small mistakes like typos or missing a copy-and-paste step.