Now think of it, found himself not a clever man. Why do not the original copy, but rather simple-minded to the whole book were written down.
So that you do not lose the original file, make a copy of the original for safekeeping.
A very simple way to do this form is to create a copy of the original form and then delete all the fields in which we are not interested.
Duplicating a test case does not retain any reference to the original, nor does it copy references to test logs.
Since the original would be fondly remembered as having particular talents and interests, would not the parent expect the copy to be the same?
In the case of pickles, each is restored to an object that is equal to its original, but not identical. In other words, each pickle is a copy of the original object.
Copy the document (so as not to damage the original).
The copy does not remain synchronized with changes to the original.
Should I stick with the original or go for one of the other options that were low carb but not an exact copy of the Atkins diet?
This is not the original picture, but just a copy of it.
This is not the original picture, but just a copy of it.
Notice that because this template is applied to a copy of the original CDA data that was cached in the DOM, the hl7: is not required for elements like entry, code, and observation.
注意,由于这个模板应用于缓存在DOM 中的CDA数据副本,hl7:不是entry、code 和 observation 等元素所必需的。
Your original is not very clear. I can't guarantee the copy will be good.
This is not the original picture, but just a copy of it.
Very good copy, but not original. Overall quality is ok, prints are not the best.
Copy the spirit of the original not do it verbatim.
I simply could not understand how to proceed, but fortunately the manufacturer had enclosed a copy of the original German text.
Please note that representatives/agents are required to bring ID card in original and copy for verification purpose, failing which the passport/ documents will NOT be handed over.
The material in safe file should be original material, and try to not store its copy.
You do not have to provide original documents when you lodge your application, but if you choose to, please provide a copy along with the original.
I the copy with the original, but there was not much difference.
Why does string. Clone returns the original string and not a copy of it?
Your original is not very clear. I can't guarantee the copy will be good.
The design must be original work, copy, imitate others are not allowed. Besides, the logo can be legally used to brand register, propagate which is not used by others.
There should be an explicit function called Create a copy. The copy will be identical to the original, but not tied to the original in any way.
This copy does not correspond with the original.
Changes to the original do not affect the copy (and vice versa) because the two are separate entities.
Not only maximal loss lie in the costful score original copy and manuscript, but also lie in the music score of the philharmonic orchestra data.
When you work on the project item, you are working on a separate copy, not the original.
When you work on the project item, you are working on a separate copy, not the original.