This stem cell which is reproduced still has the potential to undergo asymmetric division but this one does not.
What's the difference between this cell which I call a committed progenitor cell and its offspring, and the offspring of that offspring.
The other property is that these committed progenitor cells that are formed can turn into something, can turn into more mature cell types.
That difference has functional consequences for the daughter cells in that one of the daughter cells becomes what's called here a committed progenitor cell.
It could be those differences that they experience in their extracellular environment that lead to their choice to either self-renew or to become committed.
One result of this asymmetrical division is a committed progenitor cell.
The other one is a committed progenitor cell that now somehow has been changed in such a way that it's going to mature and develop into non-stem cells or the cells that make up our bodies, somatic cells.
Potential refers to what it sounds like, 'what potential does this committed progenitor cell have?' 'What potential does this stem cell have?' Well, one way to think about is that upon this first division, this asymmetric division, this committed progenitor cell has lost some potential.