• They prevent the ligand from reaching its natural receptor, and so that antagonizes or inhibits the function of the natural ligand.


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  • Sometimes receptors, when they interact with ligands, create changes in what proteins are actually being produced by the cell.


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  • Most cells in your body have insulin receptors so insulin is starting to bind to insulin receptors on those cells.


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  • Many steroid hormones act because they bind to cellulars - to receptors that are deep within the cell, often inside the nucleus.


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  • When estrogen is present it can enter cells in the vicinity and it can bind to receptors that are deep inside cells.


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  • An example of a drug that works like that is the anti-cancer drug Tamoxifen which binds to estrogen receptors and blocks estrogen signaling.


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  • They bind sometimes better than the natural ligand does, but they don't create the right biological reaction.


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  • When they bind, they produce some change in the receptor molecule which is experienced inside the cell.


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  • Those receptors, some fraction of them, are specific for the ligand that the pre-synaptic cell releases.

    这些受体 其中一部分,特异性地结合突触前细胞释放的配体

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  • It gets enhanced because when insulin binds to the insulin receptor, it activates the receptor.


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  • The ligands are bringing some message, they transmit the message by binding to the receptor.


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  • There's a diverse range of responses that might occur, but that response is initiated by this simple chemical process of a ligand binding to a receptor.


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  • Here, there are receptors on one cell and the ligand that they experience is not a dissolved molecule, but actually a molecule that's attached to another cell.


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  • Now, one of the advantages of having second messengers is this is one way that you can integrate between different receptor systems that are acting inside a cell.


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  • So, they bind to the receptor - they occupy the receptor so now the natural ligand can't enter it but they don't create the same sequence of biochemical events.


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  • So, it doesn't need to bind to a receptor on the surface of the cell in order to work because the molecule can actually enter the cell directly.


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  • Insulin binding leads to phosphorylation, leads to other biochemical changes.


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  • Sometimes they act by actually binding to the receptor.


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  • One class of them is beta-blockers, they bind to beta-adrenergic receptors, which are receptors that exchange information between your nervous system and the contractile system that beats your heart and that causes the heartbeat.


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  • So, these are receptors, for example, that bind the ligand and then liberate an enzyme which promotes some sort of reaction inside the cell, often it's kinases but doesn't have to be.


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  • In this case, a receptor tyrosine kinase is a receptor molecule that binds a ligand at its surface outside the cell and initiates this enzyme activity - this kinase activity - and causes phosphorylation of another molecule.


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  • We're going to talk about this kind of non-covalent interaction more when we talk about the immune system, because one example of ligand and receptors that's important in the immune system are antigens - foreign molecules, and antibodies - molecules that we produce.


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  • Insulin, the ligand binds to its receptor, creates a change through a kinase activity that's exposed, which leads to other biochemical changes, which leads to a change in cell behavior - in this case the cell behavior is that more glucose transporters are brought to the membrane and more glucose can enter the cell.


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  • When the ligand is present it binds to the receptor outside the cell and it activates this G-protein.


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  • When this bound receptor interacts with DNA it could, for example, turn on expression of a target gene.


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  • Estrogen can combine with this receptor to form a new sort of unit which interacts with DNA.


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  • For example, HIV enters cells of the immune system by binding to a receptor called CD4.


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  • The receptor for estrogen is a special molecule called a DNA binding factor.


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  • It gets produced in response to a signal so there's a binding of a ligand to a receptor, the enzyme that does this conversion is activated and more cycle AMP is released.


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