• So the pharaoh enlists all of the people to annihilate the Israelites by drowning all newborn males in the Nile River.


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  • So most of the people who I spend a lot of time with are people who I know through my church,


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  • Throughout the course, the people who nominated the students were encouraged to be good sponsors and to take an interest in their studies.


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  • Moses came and summoned the elders of the people and put before them all that the Lord had commanded him.


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  • Again, all the people at 1, all the people at 2, and half the people at 3, so that's 25%.


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  • The sovereign is not, for Hobbes, the people or some faction of the people ruling directly in their collective capacity.


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  • And the reason for this was mostly to, because we realized that the people around you, at your school, are the people who you want to look at mostly anyway.


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  • I think they have a moral purpose, which is to preserve the livelihoods of the people of the Province of Quebec.


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  • PROFESSOR: Welcome to 5.111, and today what we're going to do is introduce you to the course and the people teaching the course.


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  • Student: People who take the rickety bridge might be the kind of people who are more looking for adventure than the people who take the solid bridge.


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  • South of the Aeolian section of that was the region of Asia Minor inhabited chiefly by Ionians, the people on the mainland who are the main Ionians are the Athenians.


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  • So using stroke as the outcome here, what you see is that people with the metabolic syndrome, the red bar, compared to the people without it, the yellow bar, have about twice the amount of risk.


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  • Between Slavophiles and westernizers, those are the people that look inside Russia to finding what they think to be eternal truth and those people who want to temper such looks with a look to the west.


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  • As we get different projects to train people in the UK, to positive psychology in their schools, the people that we draw on are MAPP alumni, because they have the education and foundation that is needed to be able to put through these projects.


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  • I need to spend less time at the office and more time with my family, telling the people that I love that I love them, doing the things that are important to me, spend less time worrying about getting ahead, making money,getting the plasma TV,whatever it is.


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  • And by the way, we, the people of progress, are rooted in those principles of the Declaration of Independence" which are written down essentially as creeds "And, oh and by the way, we have a written Constitution we actually wrote it down, we have a Bill of Rights where we declare these things on paper, unlike the Brits."


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