I don't think the contraction is dramatic enough that we're not going to continue to see most really strong ideas will get funded and reasonably well funded.
Because it will allow you to express strong feelings about not liking something or not wanting something.
Now, the simile concludes with the strong sense of a hideous change -and you will recognize this pattern again and again in Milton -the hideous change undergone by the fallen angels.
The incentive for cheaper services are very strong, and in that sense, of course people will get hurt and there will be objections.
So we wanna keep our inflation rate low which will generate a strong dollar or a dime.
Strong bonds means the material will resist and applied force.
So far Plato believes, is a passionate or spirited aspect of nature remains strong so long will be necessary to educate the warriors of society who defend it.
You will find that, even if you succeed in discounting the attitudes of others to you and your life, you must wrestle with yourself most of all, fight with yourself, for there will surge up in you a strong desire to alter facts, to dress up your feelings.
And,even though it's decentralized, it does not mean that the State is not strong, and that the State will not be making decisions that will affect the lives of ordinary people.