Archie, of course, can't stand this because for him it's perfectly clear that a rhetorical question is a rhetorical question.
And if you are prepared to stand up for about two and a half to three hours to watch a play,
Because the pond is deep enough for an adult to wade into but too deep for a child to stand.
I think the only way we can stand for our values is to have a policy consistent with those values.
Any thoughts? Don't you hate professors who stand here waiting for you to answer, even when they have candy?
Stand up but wait for the mike to come to you.
Haze poked his toe in his side, and he wheezed for a second and then was quiet. "Two things I can't stand," Haze said, "a man that ain't true, and one that mocks what is. You shouldn't ever have tampered with me if you didn't want what you got."
So what this means is go to the local coffee shop, go to the newspaper stand, ask for directions,
So raise your hand if you are among the libertarians who's prepared to stand up for the theory and respond to the objections.
So technically, if you ask what does the velocity stand for-- Let me draw a general situation.
They came to stand for ministers, they came to signify allegorically ministers as well.
It's even easier to follow if we know what all of those stand for.
A regime as I've said constitutes a people's way of life what they believe makes their life worth living or to put it again slightly differently what a people stand for.
Now, D here stands for debt; a minute ago I was using Div to stand for dividends.
And you hear all sorts of different languages if you just stand here for five minutes.
For example, one thing that could happen is that you build it up with wood and clay, you pick the wrong material for a bridge, and it will not stand up to the forces of nature.