They've been clearly been hurled into hell by a Judeo-Christian deity. So this little moment, this Medusa moment, we can call it, is really quite strange.
And after the periodic table was developed in the late 1800's, people didn't understand this quite as well, they took things a little more literally.
Well, we should be shocked, and I think beyond that we have every right to feel a little bit betrayed, because Milton quite simply has -- and he's doing this deliberately -he has just violated an important law.
Even something quite unfavorable might happen at least a little bit spontaneously.
If there is a little bit of laughter that you cannot quite cut out It's like the Today Show and the cameraman cannot help at laugh and then the boom drops in the frame
So in this game if you just played it, it's quite likely you're going to end up uncoordinated, but if you have a little bit of leadership can say okay let's make sure this is where we coordinate, or let's make sure this is where we coordinate.
It looks a little something like that, and the screen doesn't quite do it justice here, Z but there's two alphabets; A through Z, and then A through Z, -- but the inner A through Z is on a small -- it has a smaller diameter; so it's a ring of letters.
There are no A+'s; it sounds a little bit like college, but not quite.
PROFESSOR: All right, I'm hearing a little of both, but I'm very encouraged to hear quite a few people saying sigma.
We'll see they're not quite as versatile as Scratch's little inventory capability.