And he had a press conference, spoke about the increased use of cars, and the decreased amount of carpooling.
quite a lot of people who are in the media, press, television people.
This was an act of compulsion, and the poet had to be forced to press this lyric out of himself.
So, he went to this community college and got one of their library computers and he issued the press release there.
And, you've undoubtedly heard a lot in the public press, and even in the political dialogue such as it is these days that hydrogen might be on environmentally friendly fuel.
and your only job during this tasks is to press the button when that target comes on before it leaves the screen.
Alright, so he has used her body to press back her waters And that's what the ceiling is, the firmament, a firm sheet or structure that's holding back waters.
You wouldn't believe it reading the Popular Press but it's really true, it's really true.
Philip Morris was pilloried in the press and they issued an apology for this heartless calculation.
To start over, Press 0. What is your origin?
The whole thing--the presentation in the press is is absolutely hypocritical and just bizarre.
And of the three, whom dose the press still listen to ?
Press your lips together with the corners straight or down.
Okay, so with your little clicker you can press one, two, three, or four depending on which one of these you believe is the case and let's see if the--if it registers.
拿着表决器的人可以,根据你认为的答案 在一到四中任一项,然后看看它是否注册了
Article in the September 29, 2008, of Washington Post said that and I quote, Joshua may be one of the most discreet White House Chief of Staff ever, seldom talking on the record to the press or appearing before outside audiences.
Press one more time - Press one more time Ok.So we don't have--we don't All right. We are going to just leave these up.