• But vaccines, and particularly in the last hundred years, vaccines have been one of the most important elements in our progress.


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  • What's shown in this diagram is the progress of the developing embryo as it travels in time, down the fallopian tube.


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  • Southerners shared with Northerners a faith in progress, if you breathed the air in American in the 1840s and '50s.


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  • At the core of it is a belief in progress, something that was essentially not present among the Greeks.


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  • Of course, the problems are not damning; they're problems that reflect the progress yet needed to be made in insurance.


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  • So I took this little interaction as sort of progress milestone in the proliferation of internet video.


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  • Well,De Gaulle has been dead for a very long time, and there has been progress, but what has not changed is still the power in Paris, in these ministries, to dictate the life of schools, of almost everything else.


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  • So realize the support structure is now in place and in progress so do just let us know at help@cs50.net if you have questions that can't be addressed during office hours.


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  • The problem is you've got to make hundreds of millions of doses sometimes in order to have an effect on progress of the disease.


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  • It would therefore be the place of progress in the world.


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  • Progress in the eyes of the philosophers of the eighteenth century, though they would have been very angry to hear me say this, was something like the equivalent of the Christian hope for immortality.


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  • And by the way, we, the people of progress, are rooted in those principles of the Declaration of Independence" which are written down essentially as creeds "And, oh and by the way, we have a written Constitution we actually wrote it down, we have a Bill of Rights where we declare these things on paper, unlike the Brits."


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  • We have to understand--in understanding the progress of financial technology-- is its fundamental relation to information technology.


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  • What the Market Revolution was, in so many ways, was an engine, a tremendous Charles Sellers has written a famous book on this it was a tremendous engine for what became arguably the most prevalent idea of the entire nineteenth century in America, and that's the notion of progress.


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  • They get arrested in the G1 phase, for example, and they never progress through to the S phase where they synthesize DNA.


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