It's an example of a very common tool that's going to be really useful to us, not just for doing search, but for doing a whole range of problems. That is, in essence, the template the describes a log style algorithm.
And that in essence says, I've just created the equivalent of a new primitive.
In essence, this collapse in stock prices -the one-day collapse in stock prices -I think in the U.S. The price was, depending on which index you were looking at, were down 21-22% in a single day.
When Sabrina touches the surprisingly sensual rubied lip of the Lady, she's in essence baptizing, I think, and sanctioning the erotic drives that the Lady has been so fiercely repressing.
Many commentators have observed that The change in name accompanies a change in character, a change of essence in Israel.
I think there is the essence of personal challenge in dealing with that.
Crevecoeur made the North the site of the true essence of what he saw as this new American man being born in America, not in the South.
Socrates makes in other words continual questioning and not the telling of stories and the recitation of verses the essence of this new political education.
The soul, in its essence, is rational.
Remember last time, I said that there's different kinds of complexity in our code, and I suggested for simple branching programs, the amount of time it takes to run that program is, in essence, bounded by the number of instructions, because you only execute each instruction at most once.
Second thing they're going to do is let us suppress detail. And in essence what that does is, the functions, and we're going to look at a bunch of examples in a second, these functions are going to give us a way to, in some or in one way of thinking about it is to create new primitives.
This angelic laser begins slowly the gradual process in some kind of extraordinary science-fiction sort of way of transforming the virginal human body to the essence of the soul itself.
This seems to be, in many ways, the essence of his teaching.
The whole essence of a stock dividend is that they're paying it to every shareholder in the same proportion, so every one hundred shares becomes one hundred and five shares; so you know that that has no meaning to me.
A happy marriage for Milton was founded on a couple of like-minded opinions and values, - their ability to converse with one another -- and so this is why the notion of divorce for reasons of incompatibility is so important to Milton, because compatibility in marriage is the very essence of marriage.