These are honors reserved exclusively for virgins, honors reserved only for those who do not defile themselves with the sins of the flesh.
He is exclusively concerned with fiction and how we read fiction, how we come to understand fiction, and how we determine the meaning of a work of fiction.
And so the mixed group that would join together to become Israel accepted Yahweh, though perhaps not exclusively, and adopted the national story of the Exodus as its own at some point.
The eroticization of the Lady's beauty has up to this point come exclusively from Comus.
What does Socrates mean when he says his way of life has been devoted almost exclusively ? to private rather than to public matters?
My hope is that if I do it well enough, people who aren't philosophers and are interested exclusively in conceptual analysis will get something out of it.
Saving and Loan Associations, by the way, no longer exclusively limit themselves to mortgage lending -either they do home improvement lending and auto loans and the like as well.
Then we're going to talk exclusively about how we think about other people and then we'll talk about how we think about groups like Harvard students or gay people or black people.
And so these are the things people care about a lot and they're the ones that popular diet books are built around almost exclusively: that you should eat low fat, you should eat low carbs, high fat, they're all kinds of permutations of these that exist out there.
So far we've exclusively been using Lewis structures any time we've tried to describe bonding within molecules.
Milton's argument in this treatise is directed exclusively at licensing.
The first statements, either one through four or one through five depending on your counting, but the first group of statements concern Israel's relationship with her suzerain, with God. She's to be exclusively faithful to God. She's not to bow down to any manmade image.
When the Treasury in the United States sells Treasury bills notes and bonds they deal almost exclusively or we say primarily--with broker-dealers not the general public.
We have democratized -Now, REITs are a rapidly growing force in investing and now we have substantially democratized real estate holdings so it's not exclusively DPPs that are holding -not primarily--we have a lot of REITs now.