• Condition," this thing in the middle between the semicolons, is going to be checked every iteration of the loop.


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  • But the best thing for me is this music festival that they have every year


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  • Well, up until probably ten years ago, this was the primary propellant in just about every kind of spray thing that we had, hairspray, everything.


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  • I'm thinking about a problem, I'm going to show you an example in a second, first thing I'm going to do is say, what is the thing that's going to change every time I run through the same set of code?


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  • It's looks like an ancient Greek novel, except it lacks the one thing every good Greek novel had,sex.


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  • Second, is that people may not remember exactly how much they had or every little thing they had.


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  • One peculiar property of this--incidentally, at every point of time this thing holds, this is time to maturity.


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  • The important thing about Saussure and the discipline of semiotics is the incredible influence that it has had on virtually every form of subsequent literary theory.


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  • It used to be thought before people were very careful- we know that they do every terrible thing in the world in the Peloponnesian War.


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  • Every single thing that we discuss here could be pursued at greater depth.


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  • Every written thing usually moves left to right so I'm going to hear this moving left to right.


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  • I could do the same thing for Player 2 to find Player 2's best response for every possible choice of Player 1.


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  • You can't just write every single thing that happened in your life.


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  • What's now the most efficient use of people's time, like how can people maybe be working on stuff not serially but I didn't say someone's working on launching a high school product on the photos and someone else is working on the thing every launch next to each, you know.


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  • Another thing I want to point out about every sigma orbital that you see, and it will make more sense when we contrast it with pi orbitals later.


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  • You don't have to understand every little thing all the time, you know.


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  • The first thing he did is he killed every product line the company was working on.


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  • I still get nervous before every single lecture, which is actually a good thing. But it's managable.


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  • So if we tease this apart and this is actually nice, every semester I get beat up for just how bad this thing actually is if you start really picking it apart.


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  • For one thing, every normal... every human society has language.


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  • that is,people who were administered,who are governed, but in the sense of having people passing papers back and forth, and having to sign every damn thing you could ever imagine- it's just unbelievable-- before they ever thought of themselves as being citizens.


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  • It looks like a tautology because you're never able to show me something that moves forever at a constant velocity, because every time you don't find such a thing, I give an excuse, namely, a force is acting.


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