• A faith life at home, in the mosque, and a public life in school and in the YMCA and in playing basketball, etc.


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  • And he's saying that, you know, "This grasp right now is damaging tissue because it's badly designed, etc."


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  • And during break, during lunchtime, etc, they get to see these people that just have come in from various places.


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  • So these questions are not gonna come to people like me to the decide the Constitutional matters The Attorney General's gonna be involved, the White House Council is gonna be involved, etc.


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  • Why didn't he come clean? Of course, they took "The Purloined Ribbon" to be his sort of allegorical way of suggesting that he couldn't possibly confess because nobody can confess, there's no human subjectivity, etc., etc., etc.


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  • He was conning me and I knew it for room and board and how to write, etc., and he knew I knew.


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  • You'll see both terms used on the web, and the literature etc., and think of them as synonyms.


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  • They had a description of the young woman and the woman was described as sensitive, artistic, etc.


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  • So, what they do is, the first time they might scratch at the bars, push at the ceiling, dig at the floor, howl, etc.


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  • Enzymes, thyroid, etc., the abs, the serotonin, you can pick some part of the body.


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  • Yeah, because he just changed the situations dramatically And you could say that Bush continued, etc. But Reagan... Which candidate would do the most to stimulate growth in the years to come, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton ? or John McCain?


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  • So they play on sports teams, they're involved in clubs, etc. and things like that. And, so


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  • and have doctors there and take care of kids who don't have insurance and money, etc.


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  • It's very highly ranked, and etc, etc. It has all of the, like checked marks.


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  • *10^-18 1.6 times 10 to the minus 18, excuse me, 6*10^-19 we have 1.6 times 10 to the minus 19, 2.18 times 10 to the minus 18, etc.


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  • OK, you use the ideal gas law, etc., then you get a relationship that connects the pressure and the temperature, like here we got a relationship that connected the temperatures and the volumes together.


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  • It wasn't only in Sweden, Austria, Russia, France, etc. where you found this.


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  • Take me out to the park, etc... " It's amazing that that melody has become as popular as it has given the fact that it's really hard to sing.


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  • Look again, etc., etc.


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  • up to the modern age with philosophers like Machiavelli, Descartes, Locke, etc.


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  • While America has been preoccupied with Iraq and Afghanistan, what new geo-political developments formation of alliances, etc.


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  • From the first, Syracuse is an independent polis, autonomous, self- whatever regime it wants, etc.


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  • Students come from education, business, law, medicine, etc, bringing in their own credentials with them.


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  • It's the amount that people spend on consumption goods, things that you buy for your current use, like food, shelter, clothing, etc.


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  • Men will need more calories than women, people who are very active will need more then people who are less active, etc.


    耶鲁公开课 - 关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选

  • The central banks still exist so you still have the Bank of France the Deutsche Bundesbank etc.


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  • There would be some sort of cooking, some attempt to store food for when people may have been hungry later, etc.


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