So Muslims believe that Koran has maintained its original form since it was revealed to the Prophet Mohammad, 14 centuries ago.
Now we can't neglect the first question here, which is at least for me: did Milton really believe this?
De Man does not believe this. De Man thinks, on the contrary, that there is such a thing as literariness.
So,the editors just buy--completely buy--the text's own mythology and produce all this apparatus around it to help us believe it, too.
No. 2, we believe that young people have to be a key part of building that ethos One of the reasons for that is purely demographic.
So the test on the left, you'll remember, was the one with test one, I believe, was the uniform distribution, and test two is the Gaussian.
As I told you, I believe that everybody that is in this room has the intellectual apparatus to pass this class, so there is no gamesmanship here.
So, that translation causes people to believe that ; The story is giving me an account of the first event in time forward; But it's actually a bad translation.
Most scientists believe that its better, a better process, less affected by conflicts of interest, but still affected by politics.
We need to believe that the soul, unlike an engine, can't itself be destroyed, can't itself decompose, can't fall apart.
Among the many images of the famous mill girls is this one, taken in 1850,I believe, in Lowell, Massachusetts.
You might believe for instance, that women should not prepare food when menstruating because it would contaminate the food.
But,there also are these strong traditions of popular Royalism, of ordinary people and peasants who believe fervently in the monarchy.
Well, right, but at some point - Don't you believe in, I mean, you say 80 percent, 10 percent majority.
I don't believe that markets are efficient and it doesn't really seem like it should be an open question.
I don't believe that. So the question is, what kind of unity was he expecting ? of philosophy and politics?