But once in a while, you know, you will come up with a reason that I just cannot argue with.
Maybe you want to say, "You can't argue with that; we have to accept that.
To argue with them, I point out an example, which is more familiar.
And Abraham's reaction comes as something of a surprise. He objects to the plan, and he starts to argue with God. "Will you sweep away the innocent along with the guilty? Shall not the judge of all the earth justly?" That's in Genesis 18:23-25. The question is of course rhetorical.
Now, it's not my purpose here to try to argue for or against Platonism with regard to abstract entities.
He admits that maybe he stretches the word "irony," but he tries to argue that the variety of effects that he focuses on in his essay have to do with irony.
And it feel like really this is just one of those like games the magicians play in the square where you are literally moving the cups around accomplishing nothing other than confusion - with the audience but-- which may actually be the case-- but, I argue that this is actually better.
How would you have had the great Greek playwrights, they would argue, without the system, the world the Greeks were able to create with the Helots?
Huge, and one of the things that I argue in this book and also in the Princeton Projiect on National Security which I co-directed with John Ikenberry over the last three years is we have been singel-mindedly focused on the war on terror.
I'm going to argue for the latter of what I just said, for the fact that human nature needs to be obeyed with all its flaws,with all its shortcomings, as opposed to attempting to perfect it on the psychological level.
I don't find that my analysis is profound in the final answer, I just took some estimates using my data and, again, we could-- if someone wanted to argue with us they could argue with my estimates of the expected returns of the standard deviations and the covariances, but not with this theory.
Socrates had a circle of friends and disciples that he would argue philosophy with.
Or freedom, they will argue, must be balanced with tradition.