• In fact this treatise is often described, or maybe even most commonly described, as the Western tradition's greatest argument against censorship.


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  • He published a treatise that he had written earlier on grammar, inventing his own system for the understanding and the learning of the Latin language.


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  • It emphasizes the long run performance of the stock market, but it's really a general treatise of financial markets.


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  • Maybe you might even say following Spinoza, that this is the core of Plato's theological political treatise here.


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  • Many of you probably know that Aristotle has a treatise called De Interpretatione.


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  • Maybe it's the state of war that he talked about in his Second Treatise.


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  • In this pamphlet, this prose treatise, Milton is looking back at this exuberant affection for the very idea of chastity that he had held in his youth.


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  • I want to back up now because I think it's important to fill in a little bit of the historical context behind that long but important prose treatise.


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  • So in 1642, you see Milton softening a bit, in part because he's interested in getting married himself and, in fact he's married within a month of the actual publication of this treatise.


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  • We should approach the book, in other words, not as we might a treatise, but as we might approach a work of literature or drama.


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  • That's the political treatise written in 1642.


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  • It is not a political treatise, as those who merely judge books by their title think, but it is the finest, " most beautiful work on education ever written."


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  • What I am interested in here, and I think what a lot of readers are interested in when they approach Areopagitica, is why this treatise, why it can so easily be read as an argument against censorship.


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  • There are a lot of perspectives discernible or extractable from this treatise, Areopagitica, from which the fallen state seems in so many ways, maybe in every way, superior to its unfallen counterpart.


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  • The work is not, in a sense, written simply as a sort of timeless philosophical treatise, but as a dramatic dialogue with a setting, a cast of characters and a firm location in time and place.


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  • Because this is one of the most famous passages in the treatise, and it's not one that we actually looked at for Mammon himself, I'm going to ask you to turn to Areopagitica.


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  • According to the 1643 Licensing Order against which Milton is directing this treatise, Areopagitica, a book has to be sent to the licensing office for approval before it can be published.


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  • Milton's argument in this treatise is directed exclusively at licensing.


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  • So Milton explains in The Reason of Church Government -he tries to mend this breach and so he argues in this treatise that "Poetry has" -and I'm quoting him here -"Poetry has a power beside the office of the pulpit."


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  • And this universality was given expression in Dante's famous treatise, De Monarchia, of monarchy, that set out a model for a universal Christian state, based on the unity and oneness of the human race under a Christian ruler.


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  • You'll note -- and there's no reason you need to read more of this, but the Hughe edition only includes a small portion of the actual pamphlet So this treatise as a whole is Milton's defense of these six Presbyterian ministers who wrote a treatise criticizing the authoritarian structure of the English church.


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  • Chastity is not only an obsessive topic in the early poems for Milton or in the published treatise that we looked at last time, The Apology for Smectymnuus.


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  • In fact, a French disciple of Hobbes in the next century, a man named La Mettrie, wrote a treatise very much following in the lines of L'Homme Machine Hobbes called L'Homme Machine, " or literally, Man a Machine.


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  • His first treatise, a book called De Cive, or De Cive, depending on how you pronounce it, On the Citizen, was published in 1642, and it was a kind of draft version of Leviathan that was published almost a decade later, again in 1651.


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