• Benjamin was a quiet boy. For much of the time, his parents were busy working in his father's store.

    VOA: special.2009.10.11

  • In "Mowing," the scythe makes a sound as it cuts, and that sound is delicate, it's quiet, it whispers.


    耶鲁公开课 - 现代诗歌课程节选

  • I've read a lot of research in this area about the importance of quiet times whether it's in a class, in a lecture, whether it is at home, whether it is for a leader in the business, for relationship, for children starting from pre-schools.


    哈佛公开课 - 幸福课课程节选

  • We could not bring in a recorder, but the courtroom is mostly quiet except for the lawyers, witnesses and judge talking.

    VOA: special.2009.08.31

  • She says this monument is a quiet place for people to come to terms with loss caused by the war.

    VOA: special.2009.05.06

  • The woman of action was ordered to remain quiet for months in a dark room, or become blind.

    VOA: special.2009.07.26

  • On a sunny morning in eighteen fifty, however,the men of Roaring Camp were quiet.

    VOA: special.2009.06.06

  • The nineteen twenties are remembered as a quiet period in American foreign policy.

    VOA: special.2011.02.03

  • But,for many minutes, the heart beat on with a quiet sound.

    VOA: special.2009.05.16

  • Maudie was quiet. In the hay,lay a 1ittle wet calf.

    VOA: special.2010.01.09

  • They launched their plannoes on a quiet Sunday morning and attacked the huge American naval and air base at Pearl Harbor "We interrupt this program to bring you a special news bulletin: The Japanese have attacked Pearl Harbor,Hawaii by air, President Roosevelt has just announced."

    VOA: special.2011.06.02

  • But earlier this month, the Indian government said it will launch a new round of "quiet diplomacy" with Kashmiri separatists.

    VOA: standard.2009.10.28

  • The sewing machines are quiet now, but soon the owners hope, 3,000 pairs of boots a day will be produced here.

    VOA: standard.2010.07.06

  • I had left London town for the village of Downe and a home that is quiet and regal.

    VOA: standard.2009.11.25

  • Australia's newest natural burial site sits in a quiet corner at Kemps Creek, on the edge of Sydney.

    VOA: standard.2010.07.22

  • Across the border in Mexico, the quiet town of Naco receives a steady flow of border crossers who have been arrested and deported from the U.S.side.

    VOA: standard.2010.06.07

  • Compared to the well-known seismic areas like the Pacific Rim, the Caribbean seems geologically quiet, but this area where tectonic plates meet has a long history of earthquakes, tsunamis,and volcanoes.

    VOA: standard.2010.01.13

  • All of the rabbis come from the close-knit and wealthy Sephardic Jewish communities of southern New Jersey and Brooklyn and the arrests have put the spotlight on a usually quiet community.

    VOA: standard.2009.07.24

  • In nearby Saudi Arabia, which is an important player as well as a key moral force in the Arab and Islamic world, there appeared to be a quiet sense of enjoyment over the news.

    VOA: standard.2009.10.09

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