• It takes the right combination of wind,temperature,pressure and humidity to create even a weak tornado.

    VOA: special.2010.05.11

  • We could just collect a bunch of data. For a material .What's the volume it occupies at some pressure and temperature?


    麻省理工公开课 - 热力学与动力学课程节选

  • And you can find these compressibility factors in tables. If you want to know the compressibility factors for water, for steam, at a certain pressure and temperature, you go to a table and you find it.


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  • Now let's change the pressure and temperature and sweep through a whole range of pressures and temperatures and measure the volume in every one of them.


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  • This is very different from the functions of state like pressure and temperature.


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  • In this case, V = /P. Have two quantities and the number of moles gives you another property. You don't need to know the volume. All you need to know is the pressure and temperature and the number of moles to get the volume.


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  • Pressure and temperature, right.


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  • STUDENT: Pressure and temperature.


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  • In other words, the order of taking the derivatives with respect to pressure and temperature doesn't matter And what this will show is that dS/dp dS/dp at constant temperature, here we saw how entropy varies with volume, this is going to show us how it varies with pressure.


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  • So this unique temperature and unique pressure defines a triple point everywhere, and that's a great reference point.


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  • On the other hand, temperature, volume and pressure are variables that are much easier in the lab to keep constant.


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  • But we've defined the enthalpy of those elements in their stable state at room temperature and pressure as zero, right?


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  • What we define as zero is the enthalpy of every element in its natural state at room temperature and ambient pressure.


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  • And the equation of state, pressure versus volume at constant temperature, is going to have some form, let's just draw it in there like that.


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  • are all functions of state and parameters that we can control like temperature and pressure.


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  • Whereas under these conditions, these quantities, if you look at free energy change, for example at constant temperature and pressure, H you can still calculate H.


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  • Hydrogen gas it's in its most stable state, right at room temperature and pressure.


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  • For instance, the pressure and the temperature, or the volume and the pressure.


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  • It's a state function, so we're at constant temperature and pressure, and now we want to consider some chemical change or a phase transition or you name it.


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  • There's a volume, there's a temperature, than the pressure here. There's other volume, temperature and pressure here, corresponding to this system here.


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  • And so, again, we see a temperature increase, and we know the work, and the temperature increase, it's a constant pressure thing.


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  • So, all I want to do now is look at the derivatives of the free energies with respect to temperature and volume and pressure.


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  • And I didn't specify the conditions, but if we were to do this under ordinary chemical conditions of some, you'd say room temperature and pressure, right, they all happen spontaneously.


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  • Now in this particular reaction, I've got hydrogen gas, iron solid. Those already are elements in their most stable forms at room temperature and pressure.


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  • And this volume, temperature and pressure doesn't care how you got there. It is what it is.


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  • We know how the volume and temperature vary with respect to each other at constant pressure.


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  • Because so much of what we do in chemistry does take place with constant temperature and pressure.


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  • There's our condition for equilibrium at constant temperature and pressure.


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  • OK, you use the ideal gas law, etc., then you get a relationship that connects the pressure and the temperature, like here we got a relationship that connected the temperatures and the volumes together.


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  • Similarly for G as a function of temperature and pressure, I can go through the same procedure.


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