• The famous actor Bela Lugosi played Count Dracula first in the theater, then in a nineteen thirty-one movie version of the book.

    VOA: special.2010.01.20

  • In "The Horror and the Glory," the second half of the book as originally written, that voice becomes the parenthetical.


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  • And then I, I self-publish, so I had to do the design and layout of the book myself as well.


    我的书出版了 - SpeakingMax英语口语达人

  • The name of the exhibit comes from the opening of the book "Silent Spring" by Rachel Carson.

    VOA: special.2010.12.15

  • Justa Eduardo King naufrago The title of the book is Justa Eduardo King naufrago, Obsequies on Edward King, Lost at Sea or Drowned.


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  • Part of the book talks about the defeat of the Italian army at a place called Caporetto.

    VOA: special.2011.06.26

  • Now when Black Boy was published there was a war bond advertisement on the back cover of the book.


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  • The authors of the book "Carlsbad Cavern: The Early Years" say Jim White took the job for the chance to keep exploring the cave.

    VOA: special.2009.12.07

  • The guiding thread of the book is the correspondence, the parts of the city and the parts of the soul.


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  • Yet,seven hundred fifty thousand copies of the book were sold during the year after its release.

    VOA: special.2009.03.15

  • Before you go, that's Barry Nalebuff at the back, he has copies of the book, it's a great book, go buy it from him.


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  • How it got there is the subject of the book "Taking Woodstock" by Elliot Tiber.

    VOA: special.2009.08.10

  • I thought it was very impressive that he put that on page one of the book because it puts the reader in a moral dilemma.


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  • She carefully cut into each page of the book to create small canyons and formations.

    VOA: special.2009.05.06

  • I think we mentioned that in the first chapter of the book there.


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  • The title of the book may seem a bit unusual for a children's story.

    VOA: special.2009.10.12

  • I've given the name of the book on the class' website.


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  • The heroine of the book is Dagny Taggart who owns a large railroad company.

    VOA: special.2010.06.06

  • This week we're going to talk about DNA technology and genetic engineering: this is Chapter 3 of the book.


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  • Dick Weissman is author of the book "Which Side Are You On?

    VOA: special.2010.01.18

  • like skin, the skin of the book. It's human skin,


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  • He said it gives Google monopoly control of the book search market.

    VOA: special.2011.04.01

  • There's something in Eliot's--the presentation of Eliot's work and indeed in the work itself that is affronting, resistant, impersonal. And the typography, the presentation of the book is part of that.


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  • The last version of the book contained more than four hundred poems.

    VOA: special.2009.04.12

  • But there's one in particular that you just have to listen too, and it was the interview with Michael Pollan, the author of the book that's for the class.


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  • He wrote a new version of the book about his travels.

    VOA: special.2009.02.25

  • The entire thrust of the book is devoted to the taming of spiritedness, and to the control of spiritedness.


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  • So,in nineteen fifty-seven the second version of the book was published.

    VOA: special.2009.03.15

  • So all of Book I is really a kind of warm up for what follows in the rest of the book.


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  • In fact, the famous frontispiece of the book, which is reproduced in your edition, although it is not altogether very clear.


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