• I cannot advise you." Later in the meeting, Toombs urged Davis not to attack the fort.

    VOA: special.2009.08.06

  • Let's say that you are meeting your fiance's parents.


    I'm good at 课堂 - SpeakingMax英语口语达人

  • I chaired that 7:30 meeting, but as WHCF, you're not allowed the luxury of showing up just before the staff meeting.


    普林斯顿公开课 - 国际座谈会课程节选

  • "It was an important meeting, but I can tell you there is nothing new,".

    VOA: standard.2009.10.31

  • If somebody walks and you're meeting them for the first time, and hope in the world, how do you do?"


    耶鲁公开课 - 美国内战与重建课程节选

  • Is that what you continued to do but you chaired every day ? with the senior staff meeting?


    普林斯顿公开课 - 国际座谈会课程节选

  • So you ask yourself, "Do I believe that meeting's going to take place without me?"


    耶鲁公开课 - 死亡课程节选

  • That's why you've got to be here every meeting and never coming late. All right?


    麻省理工公开课 - 电影哲学课程节选

  • We're going to send a letter to all our shareholders and say, we have decided to pay a $5 dividend and so you're about to approve this at the meeting.


    耶鲁公开课 - 金融市场课程节选

  • Ok, today we're going to continue our discussion of cellular principles and lead into cell culture technology which will be the subject of the section meeting this afternoon, so just to remind you about the sections.


    耶鲁公开课 - 生物医学工程探索课程节选

  • Or, if you're meeting a friend and going out for dinner but you haven't made a reservation yet,


    Where 课堂 - SpeakingMax英语口语达人

  • Then the Lord said to Moses, "Gather for Me seventy of Israel's elders of whom you have experience as elders and officers of the people, and bring them to the Tent of Meeting and let them take their place there with you.


    耶鲁公开课 - 旧约导论课程节选

  • You guys are engineers. You are used to come to the office 10 am in the morning. No. Starting from today, you need to come 9 am in the morning and have a meeting with me."


    斯坦福公开课 - 百度CEO李彦宏演讲:全球最大搜索引擎的发展课程节选

  • And then next time, next Wednesday-- - because remember we're not meeting on Monday-- next Wednesday, I'll do a similar kind of lecture for everything you need to know about Ancient Judaism, to put the New Testament into its historical context.


    耶鲁公开课 - 新约课程节选

  • You've got moderate socialists, you've got this whole kind of different people, and they're meeting around tables, and talking, and arguing, and debating, and yelling, and hugging, long into the night, as the guns draw nearer.


    耶鲁公开课 - 1871年后的法国课程节选

  • You know, if they're really engaging in, in some communication, you know, meeting some minds or something,


    关于网络世界 - SpeakingMax英语口语达人

  • For example, say you could be meeting somebody for the first time, perhaps on a date.


    Would you 课堂 - SpeakingMax英语口语达人

  • When we're talking about breathing meditation, what do we really mean, what are the instructions either you have received or given in your group or when you led our Thursday meeting.


    普林斯顿公开课 - 人性课程节选

  • Like you know, in a way meeting somebody through a website or situation like that,


    体验男女初次会面 - SpeakingMax英语口语达人

  • Or maybe you're meeting somebody and discussing their personal life for the first time.


    It sounds like 课堂 - SpeakingMax英语口语达人

  • So you know, it was a natural meeting of the minds, I guess.


    恋爱八个年头 - SpeakingMax英语口语达人

  • you know. And I'm meeting people from all over the world.


    我就是超人 - SpeakingMax英语口语达人

  • Or you could be having a very important business meeting.


    Why don't 课堂 - SpeakingMax英语口语达人

  • But at the same time, you're always meeting new people.


    闲暇时间在这里 - SpeakingMax英语口语达人

  • and you need to find your location for the meeting.


    How can I 课堂 - SpeakingMax英语口语达人

  • Suppose you're a member of some club and there's a meeting this afternoon and you won't be there, because you've got to be someplace else.


    耶鲁公开课 - 死亡课程节选

  • Were you the first person Bush saw in the morning or or were you just be in the meeting ? and he'll come in to the staff meeting?


    普林斯顿公开课 - 国际座谈会课程节选

  • Try to imagine, try to picture that meeting without you.


    耶鲁公开课 - 死亡课程节选

  • We're going to talk a lot about antibodies, we're going to talk about antibodies in section, and at the end of the course, our last section meeting every year we get together and we talk about which sections did you think were useful and which parts - which sections were not so useful.


    耶鲁公开课 - 生物医学工程探索课程节选

  • Please be on the look out for emails from section leaders with ; study guides for sections which will be meeting this week; you'll have a lot of fun with the creation stories.


    耶鲁公开课 - 旧约导论课程节选

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