• "If you have an imbalance, or literally too much nitrogen and too much phosphorous getting into those systems, you can essentially deplete the oxygen in that water.

    VOA: standard.2010.08.04

  • We can know this information even if we just knew that the bond was stronger, we wouldn't need to look at a graph here, because it turns out that if you have a stronger bond, -- that also means that you have a shorter bond -- those two are correlated.


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  • if you have more experience on your resume, you might get one of those like higher jobs.


    在研究所工作 - SpeakingMax英语口语达人

  • So if you have a mass killing of an ethno-religious group, carried out by a government in order to eliminate those people from their homeland, or to destroy their political and cultural potential - that is,by the conventional definition and most scholarly definitions, a genocide."

    VOA: standard.2010.03.18

  • If any of you guys have questions after the class we can meet outside and talk about those.


    耶鲁公开课 - 关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选

  • If you isolate those immature cells, some of them are less mature than others, some of them have more potential than others.


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  • But for those of you that have been here for 30 seconds or longer see if you can get the right answer in here.


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  • If you have, if you know you have a conflict with one of those quiz dates now John please see John or I right away.


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  • But, from this moment forth, cell phone goes off, you're out. You leave the room, OK? And, Lord help you if a cell phone goes off during an exam because those things have text messaging capabilities.


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  • pV=RT p plus a over v bar squared times v bar minus b equals r t. All right if you take a equal to zero, these are the two parameters, a and b. If you take those two equal to zero you have p v is equal to r t.


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  • If you have problems during those years of life, you could become an anal personality, according to Freud, And, according to Freud, literally, it meant you are unwilling to part with your own feces.


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  • When I was a student here at Princeton, graduating, if you told me I was going to have any one of those three jobs at some point of my career, I would consider that an extraodianry stroke of good luck.


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  • Your soul is in deep danger if you indeed continue to lead the life that you have mainly been leading up to now, and those two things are in conflict.


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  • Otherwise, if you don't buy all the debt, you still have a problem because those debtors can go after you because they are-- they're not shareholders but they have rights and they could come in and say, we don't like what you're doing; we're going to sue you because we think that you're doing something contrary to our interest as debtors.


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  • You could have good humours and you could have bad humours and if those humours, whatever they are, got out of balance then you got sick if you had too many bad ones compared to good ones.


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  • If you can genetically engineer viruses like this and viruses have all those good properties as gene therapy vehicles that I described.


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  • And what would I have to do for those groups to matter such that, for instance, if I separate you in one group and you're in another group and I give you a hundred dollars will you give the money more to him or to him, will you give it more to your own group or to another group?


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